Gradle changes for review RT-36712, RT-37020

David Hill David.Hill at
Thu May 8 15:15:04 UTC 2014


This change provides for an ability to disable native builds for media an webnode, even if they are globally toggled (in my case by the Hudson build engine) This is done with:

   69 ARMV5SF.compileWebnodeNative = false;
   70 ARMV5SF.compileMediaNative = false;

overlaps a bit with the above so must be applied second.

This is a general cleanup of the jar filter that we apply to remove extra unneeded platform classes. The cleanup is that we move the basic definitions from the platform properties files back in to the core of gradle. The hope is that it will be easier to maintain in the core of our gradle build. Kevin did mention that a couple of the entries are probably obsolete an not needed (but that is for a different jira).

jfxrtJarExcludes should still work if present (and duplicated entries do not cause a problem, but currently should be optional for the base platforms.

Tested so far on ARM, Linux and Mac (Kevin will try windows for me), the net result is a two file cleanup for the better in the jars.

David Hill <David.Hill at>
Java Embedded Development

"A hypocrite is a person who--but who isn't?"
-- Don Marquis (1878 - 1937)

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