May 2014 Archives by thread
Starting: Thu May 1 00:03:33 UTC 2014
Ending: Sat May 31 21:31:45 UTC 2014
Messages: 446
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 3 new changesets
hang.vo at
- Javafx deploy ant task question...
Tony Anecito
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36917, RT-36718 removing obsolete build-src/platforms usage, fixing monocle install
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-34884: Using Helvetica font on Mac outputs "CoreText performance note"
hang.vo at
- Cleaning up Control codebase - How to deal with StyleableProperty cast
Tom Schindl
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix build broken by RT-34884 (declared var inside for statement - it build locally but fails on the hudson server)
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35541 adding buildSrc/dalvik.gradle
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: workaround to avoid segfault when producing parfait report
hang.vo at
- [8u20] Review request for RT-36340 - MT issues with GraphicsContext on unattached canvases
Jim Graham
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35984: MediaPlayer: playback doesn't resume after long pause and sound restarts
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36905 Null pointer when a button without a mnemonic is re-added to a scene and alt is pressed
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TOYS] Updated HelloAccordion and HelloTitledPane to cover cases in RT-36868
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36929 [ToggleButton] focusTraversable can't be disabled
hang.vo at
- retrolambda
Johan Vos
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-23093 [Axis] provide better default choice for fractional part of numbers
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36937 ObservableList in 7-source still has Predicate import
hang.vo at
- (In)Sanity testing
Lisa Selle
- FX and PiTFT on Raspberry
Marco Wiorek
hang.vo at
- [8u26] Review request for RT-35406 [Monocle] Implement mouse/touch grab
Daniel Blaukopf
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 8 new changesets
hang.vo at
- Testing, Testing, 123 - Accessibility for JavaFX
Stephen F Northover
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36964 [Lens] x86egl build fails
hang.vo at
- [8u] Review request: RT-36838 - Strange behavior of TreeItem's disclosure arrow // expanded/collapsed state not reflected correctly
David Grieve
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix to RT-36644: [Glass, Mac] Native code needs to handle JNI exceptions reported by Parfait
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at
- [8u20] Review request for RT-36841: [Mac] Login demo may crash the JVM
Anthony Petrov
- [8u] Review request: RT-36959 - NPE in StyleManager
David Grieve
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36838 - don't reapply CSS in the middle of an update or reapply
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TEST ONLY] RT-35594: replace Toolkit firePulse() calls with applyCss()
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36841: [Mac] Login demo may crash the JVM
hang.vo at
- RV: News about Java 8
Ruíz Martín, Ricardo
- JavaFX multi-touch support under Linux
Ruíz Martín, Ricardo
- review request: [Text] TextArea cannot handle Chinese space character properly
Felipe Heidrich
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36133: [Text] TextArea cannot handle Chinese space character properly
hang.vo at
- review request: RT-36794: [Font] Bitmapped font should not be sub-pixel rendered.
Felipe Heidrich
- Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
Felix Bembrick
- How to deploy JavaFX application writen in JavaScript unsing Nashorn
Bilal Soidik
- Setup IDE for development instructions
Tom Schindl
- Getting some interesting output on master
Tom Schindl
- [8u20] Review request for RT-36805: [Popup] Popup "steals" focus, when hiding the popup (regression)
Anthony Petrov
- [8u] Review request: RT-37010: [media] Long mp4 files (duration > 12hrs) are rejected by the media player.
anton nashatyrev
- Scenic View updates
Cirujano Cuesta, Diego
- review request: RT-36999: [Accessibility, Windows] infinite loop in WinTextRangeProvider
Felipe Heidrich
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36999: [Accessibility, Windows] infinite loop in WinTextRangeProvider
hang.vo at
- Review Request RT-36692 HighContrast Support for Windows 7
Joseph Andresen
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37016 [TESTS, Monocle/Lens] Unit test for mouse release event not being sent on grabbed window
hang.vo at
- [8u20] Review request
Phil Race
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36805: [Popup] Popup "steals" focus, when hiding the popup (regression)
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37010: [media] Long mp4 files (duration > 12hrs) are rejected by the media player.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37017: [Build] Don't copy IDE jars to the lib directory if already present
hang.vo at
- Gradle changes for review RT-36712, RT-37020
David Hill
- [8u] review request: RT-33360: Workaround vertical position of content jitters during resize on Linux
Kevin Rushforth
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36958: [Pagination] Pagination's bullets are oval (instead of circles) in some cases
hang.vo at
- gradle
Johan Vos
- Yet another gradle review - enabling freetype for ARM
David Hill
- [8u] Review request: RT-37012: [media] Native memory leaking until nio.Buffers are GC'ed
anton nashatyrev
- [8u] Review Request: RT-36995
David Grieve
- [8u20] RFR: RT-35070 : [Printing] Page dialog can not be opened after print dialog on Linux
Phil Race
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fixed RT-35070: [Printing] Page dialog can not be opened after print dialog on Linux
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/2u/dev/rt: 2 new changesets
hang.vo at
- [8u20] review request: RT-36760 - inner shadow displaced after fix for RT-13275
Jim Graham
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36995: backout RT-36838 changeset as requested by kcr
hang.vo at
- [8u] Review Request: RT-37018 - 3DViever hangs if "OFF" button in "MSAA Antialiasing" is selected
David Grieve
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TEST-ONLY] Disable failing test until RT-36955 is fixed
hang.vo at
- review request: RT-35322: [Text] Name of any samples is wrong in Ensemble8
Felipe Heidrich
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix RT-36760 - Strange shadow on Puzzle Pieces in Ensemble8
hang.vo at
- [8u20] Review Request RT-36296 - app freeze with zero width dashed border
Jim Graham
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37018: loop referenced wrong variable
hang.vo at
- Review request: RT-35838 [Quantum] NPE if Platform.exit() is called when rendering is happening
Daniel Blaukopf
- ScrollPane like on iOS?
Tobias Bley
- Review request: RT-37063 [Monocle] X11 port should use full screen mode
Daniel Blaukopf
- Review request: RT-37064 [Monocle] Make -Dembedded=monocle the default
Daniel Blaukopf
- Review request: RT-37065 [Monocle] Use the X11 implementation in preference to framebuffer if DISPLAY is set
Daniel Blaukopf
- Clarification on javafx.concurrent.Task cancellation behavior
weiqigao at
- Dragboard#setDragViewOffsetX/Y limitations
Tom Schindl
- Canvas initial delay issue
Renato Rodrigues
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] Window are suppose to have UIA_IsContentElementPropertyId=true and UIA_IsControlElementPropertyId=true. The fact these were false in JavaFX was due the a accidental changeset. A consequence of this error was the window not being visible to tools such as accevent.exe, and inspect.exe (Windows7)
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 15 new changesets
hang.vo at
- [8u] Review Request: RT-37025 - CSS not reloaded when loaded through FXML
David Grieve
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility, Windows] Implement HighContrast Mode Detection
hang.vo at
- Review request: RT-28977 - 3D API methods should handle null values consistently
Chien Yang
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37089 ObservableListBase: incorrect handling of multiple changes within one beginChange()/endChange() block
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36966: ensure popup is closed if skinnable's scene become null
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix build error caused by fix for RT-36692
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix to RT-28977: 3D API methods should handle null values consistently
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36983: [Accessibility, Windows] Initial focus should be read when window first opens (and when focus reassigned from the desktop)
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35322: [Text] Name of any samples is wrong in Ensemble8
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 4 new changesets
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 6 new changesets
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37067 [Task] cancellation makes the Task code throw IllegalStateException
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37065 [Monocle] Use the X11 implementation in preference to framebuffer if DISPLAY is set
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37063 [Monocle] X11 port should use full screen mode
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37064 [Monocle] Make -Dembedded=monocle the default
hang.vo at
- Embedding JavaFX in SWT on Linux (Gtk3)
Tom Schindl
- Code Review Request For RT-36270: Black screen instead of components on Linux
Chien Yang
- Code Review Request For RT-37122: Css2Bin cannot overwrite existing writable field
Danno Ferrin
- Scene Builder 2.0 released.
Simon Vienot
- CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Eric Le Ponner
Stephen F Northover
- CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Jerome Cambon
Stephen F Northover
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Follow-up for RT-37006: add comment and thread check
hang.vo at
- CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Sandra Lions-Piron
Stephen F Northover
- CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Yves Joan
Stephen F Northover
- CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Mo Chicharro
Stephen F Northover
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Acessibility, Mac] RT-36992 Tooltips cause infinite narrator pain. Reviewed-by: Felipe H.
hang.vo at
- [8u] Review Request: (RT-36554) Ensemble8: Mac: System menu stays on screen after leaving the Menu demo
David Grieve
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 7 new changesets
hang.vo at
- Roadmap for javafxpackager?
Mike Hearn
- Right-to-left ChoiceBox popup position
Kevin Smith
- Code Review Request For RT-35993: SceneBuilder does not work on ATI graphic card (build 14 and earlier version)
Chien Yang
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix to RT-36270: Black screen instead of components on Linux
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix to RT-35993: SceneBuilder does not work on ATI graphic card (build 14 and earlier version)
hang.vo at
- Code Review Request For RT-35153: [D3D] JavaFX SceneBuilder not working and as well as GUI is rendered very bad after installing VGA
Chien Yang
- build correction for x86egl
David Hill
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36991: [Accessibility] Editable Combobox doesnt expand with Ctrl-Opt-Space on Mac
hang.vo at
- [8u] Review Request: (RT-36778) [TitledPane] Focus on TitledPane inside Accordion not visible
David Grieve
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix to RT-35153: [D3D] JavaFX SceneBuilder not working and as well as GUI is rendered very bad after installing VGA
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37124: [Text] Bidi marks in the middle of a text does not work
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TEST ONLY] fix NPE in tearDown code if a test is skipped
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [BUILD] correcting a typo in armv7hf.gradle
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [BUILD] removing obsolete comments from armv?.gradle
hang.vo at
- Javadocs and CSS
Scott Palmer
- [8u20] Review request for RT-32597: [SwingNode]: support high DPI displays
Anthony Petrov
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Cleanup] mark PrismFontFactory#loadEmbeddedFont0() private
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TEST-ONLY] RT-35628: Application Bundlers
hang.vo at
- Code Review Request For RT-37129: [Linux] Need to blacklist old ATI X1nnn series cards
Chien Yang
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [SAMPLES] RT-36463: set progress start value to zero in timeline in ProgressIndicatorApp
hang.vo at
- [8u] review request: RT-37075: Application.runLater throws IllegalStateException if called from ShutdownHook
Kevin Rushforth
- Javadoc: docklet, properties, getters and setters
Florian Brunner
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TEST-ONLY] Disable intermittent test on Windows until RT-36285 is fixed
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix to RT-37129: [Linux] Need to blacklist old ATI X1nnn series cards
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35314: HelloSanity - fixing window to be always on top
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: 5 new changesets
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37201 [Accordion] SceneBuilder side panel not fully visible (reverted fix for RT-36868)
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37172: [Font] AIOOB exception in text layout code with multi-byte chars
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TOYS] RT-37198: Fix HelloLaunchOnNewThread print statements
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TOYS] Updated HelloAccordion based on UX findings in RT-36868
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-34745 [Lens] Shift is being ignored while caps lock is on
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37167 [StackedAreaChart, Ensemble8] Stacked Area Chart fill paints above line
hang.vo at
- TabPaneSkin modification of styleable property
Tom Schindl
- [8u] Review Request: (RT-37174) [Ensemble8] Progress Indicator sample: indeterminate progress indicator stops spinning on re-entering sample
David Grieve
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36418: Adding unit tests for scroll gesture recognizer
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37012: [media] Native memory leaking until nio.Buffers are GC'ed
hang.vo at
- Review request: RT-36421 Implement drag and drop for monocle
Daniel Blaukopf
- Retro Game I on the App Store
Steven Van Impe
- review request: RT-37148: [Graphics, Text, Canvas] Draw gradient text broken for Canvas.
Felipe Heidrich
- How to force pixels to hit the screen?
Mike Hearn
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37226: [Accessibility] JavaFX crashes when Narrator is closed.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] Verified that not tracking the cloned range and relying on the caller to free it works.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37151: [TableView] When resizing a column in a TableView with many columns (do not fit in the screen), the table scrolls horizontally to the beginning of the table.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-28412 [ToggleGroup] incorrect behavior of selectToggle method
hang.vo at
- FXGraphics2D (a Java2D to JavaFX Canvas bridge)
David Gilbert
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36541: [Glass, Mac] Extremely poor performance with ColorfulCirclesApp on Early 2013 retina MacBook Pro
hang.vo at
- Please review fix for RT-37215 [Printing] Illegal argument exception for HARDWARE_MINIMUM margin
Phil Race
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37227: [Regression] NPE when setting RTL Orientation.
hang.vo at
- Are Multitouch & Gestures supported on an embedded scene in a JFXPanel
Bilal Soidik
- Should TreeItem have a Text property?
Jeff Martin
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37075: Application.runLater throws IllegalStateException if called from ShutdownHook
hang.vo at
- add calculating methods to bind
Tom Eugelink
- [8u20] Review request for RT-36957: [Gtk] Intermittent crash running system tests
Anthony Petrov
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-21344: address some findbugs issues in CSS code.
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35628: Application Bundlers
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fixed RT-7215) [Printing] Illegal argument exception for HARDWARE_MINIMUM margin
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36985: [Accessibility, Windows] Combobox won't take accessibility focus when clicked with mouse (but tabbing works)
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37224: Make SwingFXUtils.installFwEventQueue() and removeFwEventQueue() private
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37242 [ScrollPane] content not visible on embedded
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37214 - Adding unit tests for threshold of scroll gesture
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: ScrollPaneSkinTest aligned with RT-21251 (the original fix for this issue was broken, so the test did not fail).
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Acessibility] Fixing mistake (testing code) released accidentally with RT-36985
hang.vo at
- review for build fix to fail when tools are not present in cross build
David Hill
- [8u] Review request: (RT-37168) Mention if a property is configurable via CSS in the javadocs.
David Grieve
- Layout regression
Scott Palmer
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36957: [Gtk] Intermittent crash running system tests
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-32597: [SwingNode]: support high DPI displays
hang.vo at
- [8u20] Review request for RT-37033: [SwingNode] JEditorPane in SwingNode inside TabPane does not get focus properly when clicked
Anthony Petrov
- [8u26] Review request: RT-37085 [Monocle] FX crash on ODROID U3
Lisa Selle
- Planning for M5: June 23, 2014 [RDP2]
Stephen F Northover
- review request: RT-36639 [RTL] PasswordField rendering issue when it's highlighted.
Felipe Heidrich
- Monday, May 26 is a US holiday + (in)sanity testing
Kevin Rushforth
- Bad performance with Canvas and extensive clipping
Tom Schindl
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [TEST] Fix compile error in unit tests (follow-on to RT-32597)
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36056 arm builds should fail if missing toolchain
hang.vo at
- (In)Sanity Monday...
Lisa Selle
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessibility] On Windows, when a combobox closes, the Narrator focus stays behind where the last selected list item was. The fix is to send focus changed event when the window closes.
hang.vo at
- [8u20] Review request: RT-36660: [TextField] Arrow scrolling movement unexpected when text overflows
Leif Samuelsson
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36421 Implement drag and drop for monocle
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37098 [Monocle]: Multitouch tests fail with DellP2714TDevice
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37270 [Monocle] Intermittent test failure in USKeyboardTest
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37016 [Monocle] No mouse release event sent outside a grabbed window
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Linux Input Tests: Adding test ChangeSceneDuringTap
hang.vo at
- [8u20] Review request: RT-37271: User presentable strings for accessibility are not translatable
Leif Samuelsson
- [8u20] Review request for RT-36956: [Swing] Not possible to select MenuItem in JFXPanel on Linux
Anthony Petrov
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-32553 ScrollPane doesn't take the focus when pressing on the scroll bar
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37184 when pressing button "Length", the small gradient will disappear at some points
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [JAVADOC] RT-37281 SortedList has wrong javadoc documentation
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37033: [SwingNode] JEditorPane in SwingNode inside TabPane does not get focus properly when clicked
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Linux Input Tests: updating ignored test with a more relevant JIRA number
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-36956: [Swing] Not possible to select MenuItem in JFXPanel on Linux
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-35994: Mac: Holding a key down throws exception
hang.vo at
- Gradle Scripts
Scott Palmer
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-33665: [SwingNode, Linux] : combobox can not get item change events
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37277 fix addNative in dalvik, update jar filter
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37252 GridPane throws NPE when manipulating child nodes
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37303 Intermittent test failure in SimpleMouseTest
hang.vo at
- CSS vs API modifications in *View classes
Tom Schindl
- Building WebKit natives with debug symbols on 32 bit Linux
Peter Levart
- Label prefHeight vs wrapText
Werner Lehmann
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix for RT-37085 [Monocle] FX crash on ODROID U3
hang.vo at
- [8u20] Review request for RT-37026: Menubar menu item accelerators work only upon second pressing
Anthony Petrov
- [8u26] RT-37250 [Monocle] Improve error handling in EGL native code
Lisa Selle
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37026: Menubar menu item accelerators work only upon second pressing
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: DOC ONLY: missing 'Type:' comments in some of the enum constants
hang.vo at
- [8u] review request: RT-37314: Need to specify -DNDEBUG for production builds
Kevin Rushforth
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: [Accessbility, TOYS] testing empty controls/placeholders
hang.vo at
- [8u] review request: RT-30622: jfxrt.jar has a duplicate JSObject class without getWindow(Applet)
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u] Review Request: (RT-37299) Separator orientation pseudoclass states don't appear to fire properly
David Grieve
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37314: Need to specify -DNDEBUG for production builds
hang.vo at
- Result: New OpenJFX Committer: Jerome Cambon
David Hill
- Result: New OpenJFX Committer: Eric Le Ponner
David Hill
- Result: New OpenJFX Committer: Mo Chicharro
David Hill
- Result: New OpenJFX Committer:Sandra Lions-Piron
David Hill
- Result: New OpenJFX Committer: Yves Joan
David Hill
- [8u] Review Request: (RT-37173) modena styles for .title-pane don't match what is intended
David Grieve
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: Fix RT-36296: Dashed Border with a zero border width hangs
hang.vo at
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-30622: jfxrt.jar has a duplicate JSObject class without getWindow(Applet)
hang.vo at
- Extending a Region to create a JUNG Layout
Jeffrey Guenther
- [8u20] Review request for RT-32213: Decoding BMP file throws an exception
Vadim Pakhnushev
- hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-24674: Mac: Screen.getBounds() and Screen.getVisualBounds() return strange values for secondary screens on MacOS
hang.vo at
- [8u26] Review Request: RT-36844 [Monocle] Implement modality support for monocle
Lisa Selle
- Integrating JFX Dialog/Stage in Swing application
Robert Krüger
Last message date:
Sat May 31 21:31:45 UTC 2014
Archived on: Sat May 31 21:31:51 UTC 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).