Johan Vos
johan at
Thu May 8 16:31:27 UTC 2014
We're getting closer to building the JavaFX Android runtime in OpenJFX.
I'm trying to automate all steps in the gradle build files, but my
knowledge is still very limited.
My current bottleneck: I would like to apply retrolambda to all class files
once they are compiled (per module). In my JavaFX Android application, this
is easily done by following the instructions for the retrolambda-gradle
plugin at I just add apply
plugin: 'retrolambda' and automatically all my class files are converted
from Java 8 to Java 7, with lambda's being replaced.
For some reason, this doesn't work out of the box on the OpenJFX build --
maybe because it's a multiproject, or maybe because the jfxrt.jar is not
created with the jar command?
I currently do the following: unjar the jfxrt.jar after everything is
built, apply retrolambda on the class files, and repackage everything.
Clearly, this is a much dirtier than applying the retrolambda step after
compilation of the class files in each module.
Is there someone with sufficient gradle knowledge who can help here?
I've watched a number of gradle tutorials, and while I'm more pleased with
gradle than with maven, the only thing that disturbs me is that
gradle-professionals claim that "gradle is extremely easy". Build tools are
NEVER easy for developers :) Some are just a bit easier than others.
- Johan
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