Embedding JavaFX in SWT on Linux (Gtk3)
Tom Schindl
tom.schindl at bestsolution.at
Wed May 14 17:09:07 UTC 2014
Ok that's good to know so if we can get rid of glass-gtk we could at least run on gtk3 - as long as one does not use swing-awt in fx - i think all is better than nothing.
Von meinem iPhone gesendet
> Am 14.05.2014 um 19:03 schrieb Anthony Petrov <anthony.petrov at oracle.com>:
> Hi Tom,
> I ran ldd for libjfxwebkit.so, and I see that it doesn't link to GTK libraries. However, libjfxmedia.so does, so if you play any media files (either directly, or on a webpage open in webkit), then the GTK2 libraries will be loaded.
> --
> best regards,
> Anthony
>> On 5/14/2014 4:54 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Starting with Eclipse Luna (released in end of June) the default mode of
>> SWT on Linux is to make use of Gtk3.
>> As far as I understand the situation Glass on Linux is linked against
>> Gtk2 so JavaFX components that need glass (=fairly everything beside
>> javafx-properties) will fail to load - in fact i got reports that the
>> JVM crashes.
>> IIRC i read that monocole has a port that directly uses X11 would it be
>> a work-around to run with this port when running in swt-embedding?
>> Am I right that the webkit binaries are also linked against gtk2 or do I
>> remember this wrong?
>> Tom
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