Roadmap for javafxpackager?

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed May 14 22:54:34 UTC 2014

Hi Mike,

JDK 8u20 is the first limited update release for JDK 8. See:

The 8u20 release is scheduled for GA in August. Early access builds are 
available here:

-- Kevin

Mike Hearn wrote:
> Awesome! I'll check it out.
> I'm not sure how your versioning scheme works. Does 8u20 mean it will be
> released 20 weeks after the original Java 8.0 or something? When is it
> expected to go stable?
> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 12:02 AM, Joe McGlynn <joe.mcglynn at>wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> Take a look at the packager in the 8u20 EA builds, it’s significantly
>> improved over the original FX Packager.
>> We are looking right now at what features we’ll do for the next feature
>> update for JDK 8 after 8u20.  I believe icon support should already be
>> there in the original FX Packager, and certainly in the 8u20 version.  File
>> associations are coming in a future update, certainly very high on the list
>> of features we want to address.
>> Joe
>> On May 14, 2014, at 2:43 PM, Mike Hearn <mike at> wrote:
>>> I've been looking around for the best way to distribute my app.
>>> Javafxpackager is a big leap over what Java provided before (nothing) but
>>> it's still pretty basic. I'm wondering if there's a plan or roadmap for
>>> improving it. For instance I made a Mac DMG (it works, yay!) but I had to
>>> manually replace the default icon file: there's apparently no way to
>> adjust
>>> that. Also, no support for configuring file associations etc.
>>> It looks like to get something sophisticated like the Scene Builder
>>> packaging still requires a lot of platform specific work.

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