TabPaneSkin modification of styleable property

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at
Tue May 20 12:45:51 UTC 2014

Would it be better to simply use a boolean flag instead of modifing the
property, something along:

try {
  disableAnimation = true;
  // ...
} finally {
  disableAnimation = false;


On 20.05.14 14:26, David Grieve wrote:
> Good find. The code needs to save off the StyleOrigin and use applyStyle
> instead of set. I don't like that you have to deal with this level of
> detail, but I haven't figured out any way around it yet. I'm open to ideas.
>                     // save and set tab animation to none - as it is not
> a good idea
>                     // to animate on the same data for open and close.
>                     TabAnimation prevOpenAnimation =
> openTabAnimation.get();
>                     StyleOrigin prevOpenOrigin =
> ((StyleableProperty<TabAnimation>)openTabAnimation).getStyleOrigin();
>                     TabAnimation prevCloseAnimation =
> closeTabAnimation.get();
>                     StyleOrigin prevCloseOrigin =
> ((StyleableProperty<TabAnimation>)closeTabAnimation).getStyleOrigin();
> ((StyleableProperty<TabAnimation>)openTabAnimation).applyStyle(null,
> TabAnimation.NONE);
> ((StyleableProperty<TabAnimation>)closeTabAnimation).applyStyle(null,
> TabAnimation.NONE);
>                     for (int i = c.getFrom(); i < c.getTo(); i++) {
>                         permutatedTabs.add(tabs.get(i));
>                     }
>                     removeTabs(permutatedTabs);
>                     addTabs(permutatedTabs, c.getFrom());
> ((StyleableProperty<TabAnimation>)openTabAnimation).applyStyle(prevOpenOrigin,
> prevOpenAnimation);
> ((StyleableProperty<TabAnimation>)closeTabAnimation).applyStyle(prevCloseOrigin,
> prevCloseAnimation);
> getSkinnable().getSelectionModel().select(selTab);
> On 5/20/14, 7:26 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This question is mostly for David but others might be able to support my
>> feeling that TabPaneSkin works against the CSS-Engine inside its
>> initializeTabListener-method where it does something like this:
>>>                      // save and set tab animation to none - as it is
>>> not a good idea
>>>                      // to animate on the same data for open and close.
>>>                      TabAnimation prevOpenAnimation =
>>> openTabAnimation.get();
>>>                      TabAnimation prevCloseAnimation =
>>> closeTabAnimation.get();
>>>                      openTabAnimation.set(TabAnimation.NONE);
>>>                      closeTabAnimation.set(TabAnimation.NONE);
>>>                      for (int i = c.getFrom(); i < c.getTo(); i++) {
>>>                          permutatedTabs.add(tabs.get(i));
>>>                      }
>>>                      removeTabs(permutatedTabs);
>>>                      addTabs(permutatedTabs, c.getFrom());
>>>                      openTabAnimation.set(prevOpenAnimation);
>>>                      closeTabAnimation.set(prevCloseAnimation);
>> if I now appropriately understand the working of the CSS-Engine it will
>> never set a value from CSS afterwards because the property origin is set
>> to user.
>> Minor detail - the code of remembering and restoring the state should
>> most likely be wrapped in a try-finally statement.
>> Tom

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