Retro Game I on the App Store

Johan Vos johan at
Wed May 21 07:27:47 UTC 2014

The more apps that are created for IOS (and Android), the more chances a
company or a community will improve the underlying platform. That's a
simple rule in the IT industry.
Keep pushing.

- Johan

2014-05-20 22:44 GMT+02:00 Tobias Bley <tobi at>:

> 1) Yes, we use RoboVM as well - because currently it's the only way to
> bring JFX on iOS... (ok there is Avian VM as well....)
> 2) I think RoboVM is great and is not the problem. It's JavaFX which is
> currently not optimized to run on iOS (retina devices).
> Am 20.05.2014 um 22:36 schrieb Steven Van Impe <steven.vanimpe at
> >:
> >> sorry, it's not the first JFX app on the AppStore.... We released our JFX
> based remote control app on 03/05/2014 ;)
> >
> > Damn, I'll have to update my blog then ;) Did you use RoboVM for this as
> well?
> >
> >> such a simple ping pong game isn't more than a tech demo
> >
> > That's right, it was only meant as an experiment and tech demo, not as
> an example of a serious application. I'd like to try a 'real world'
> application next, but I don't see any free time in the coming months, so I
> might just wait and see what the future brings for RoboVM.
> >
> >
> > Steven

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