(In)Sanity Monday...

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Fri May 23 21:52:22 UTC 2014

In lieu of Monday's testing, I did run a full build / test on all three 
platforms (dev-build-full) this afternoon and ran a couple samples. No 
new issues.

-- Kevin

Lisa Selle wrote:
> Reminder to check out the matrix at
> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/8u20
>  for your insanity testing assignment for this week.  Testing should 
> take 1 hour or less.  If your assignment takes longer, stop after an 
> hour and continue where you left off the following week.
> Also, please review the weekly code freeze and push rules
> As Kevin mentioned, Monday is a US holiday so the US team will not be 
> doing their testing this week.
> Happy testing!
> Lisa

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