Extending a Region to create a JUNG Layout

Sven Reimers sven.reimers at gmail.com
Fri May 30 07:25:29 UTC 2014

Hi Jeffrey,

I did some prototyping with Jung JavaFX and Java 8, the results are here


It uses gradle to build and contains an additional library for jungfx.



On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 8:44 AM, Jeffrey Guenther <
guenther.jeffrey at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm in the midst of exploring how I might port JUNG(
> http://jung.sourceforge.net/index.html) to JavaFX. JUNG is a graph/layout
> tool my lab uses for some of their data visualizations. With the release of
> JavaFX 2, we've started building our prototypes in JavaFX.
> Rather than use the JFXSwingPanel, I want to try modifying the JUNG to work
> "natively" in JavaFX. In the long term, I'd like to see JUNG ported
> completely to JavaFX using properties, CSS and the like.
> I've built a quick demo (
> https://gist.github.com/jrguenther/9d0c37329f9928a2b56e) and need help
> going forward. I've been reading the docs and hitting google, but I think I
> need more info.
> Can someone point me to a detailed explanation of how to extend Region to
> create my own layout?
> In particular, how can I get a region to relayout it's children when it's
> being resized?
> When does a the region's parent call layoutChildren()?
> If the height and width of the region are set to Double.MAX_VALUE
> indicating the area can grow infinitely, how does the region know what size
> to set itself to?
> Thanks,
> Jeff

Sven Reimers

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