Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows
Kevin Rushforth
kevin.rushforth at
Wed Oct 29 18:11:54 UTC 2014
Hi Scott,
It would be fine if developers were able to build (at least everything
but native media and webkit) without needing Cygwin -- as long as still
builds *with* Cygwin. Our official build environment -- meaning the one
that we use for build our production builds -- uses Cygwin on Windows
platforms. We are not likely to change this.
So if someone has a robust patch that enables developers to build
without needing cygwin, meaning is doesn't impact anyone using Cygwin,
we could consider taking it.
As for upgrading gradle to a newer version, that is not something we
would do lightly. We are unlikely in the JDK 8u time frame to move past
gradle 1.8, but could consider it for JDK 9.
-- Kevin
Scott Palmer wrote:
> If cygpath isn't needed and that's all cygwin was used for, and you already
> modified build.gradle to avoid the cygpath calls.... What's stopping you
> for checking that in so the cygwin requirement for OpenJFX can be dropped?
> The Gradle C/C++ support includes a method for creating a VS project from
> the Gradle source (since Gradle 1.11, see
> So you should be able to get that productivity boost without having to roll
> your own project files and maintain them.
> Scott
> On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 12:04 PM, Vadim Pakhnushev <
> vadim.pakhnushev at> wrote:
>> At least for the OpenJFX without media/webkit Cygwin is used only for path
>> manipulation (cygpath) so I don't think dropping it will boost performance
>> at all.
>> In fact, I just did a quick test and built OpenJFX without cygwin at all
>> (modifying build.gradle so it will not call cygpath).
>> Visual Studio is the only viable option for Windows development.
>> When I was actively developing native Windows code, I created my own VS
>> project which can build native dlls just fine without even calling gradle
>> and that was huge productivity boost.
>> Thanks,
>> Vadim
>> On 29.10.2014 18:05, Chris Bensen wrote:
>>> +1 Visual Studio provides the best debugger and losing that would be very
>>> sad.
>>> If we didn’t require Cygwin the build would also be faster!
>>> Chris
>>> On Oct 24, 2014, at 9:00 PM, Scott Palmer <swpalmer at> wrote:
>>> Jettisoning the MS tools would be a bad idea. The Visual Studio compiler
>>>> or the Intel compiler are really the only reasonable options for building
>>>> native code on Windows. I'm not aware of any professional programmer that
>>>> uses GCC on Windows... Not because GCC is bad, the Windows ports just
>>>> aren't capable of compiling against a real Windows SDK. The MinGW tools
>>>> come with their own headers to try to work around this, but the last time I
>>>> checked, it just didn't work well enough.
>>>> That said,I think the right approach in the long term is to move the
>>>> build to use Gradle's support for C and C++. It supports the MS compiler as
>>>> well as MinGW on Windows and all the popular compilers on other platforms.
>>>> If we combined that with the ability to build just the 32bit JDK when
>>>> running with the MS compiler, it would offer a decent solution for those
>>>> using free tools on Windows.
>>>> Another goal should be to remove the requirement for Cygwin as it can
>>>> cause its own set of problems. I'm not sure what it is used for that can't
>>>> be done with Gradle and/or pure java libraries directly.
>>>> Scott
>>>> On Oct 24, 2014, at 2:05 PM, Richard Steiger <rsteiger at>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Stephen,
>>>>> Sorry for the mis-communication: in my original message, I was able to
>>>>> do incremental java compilation, but hadn't tried to do the full build,
>>>>> since hadn't made changes to any of the native code. Your reply straighted
>>>>> me out, that I need to be doing full builds to pick-up changes in either
>>>>> the cpp or low-level java code. I haven't been able to get the native
>>>>> builds to work, without it failing in either the cpp compiler or linker.
>>>>> I still could use a hand to get working tooling.
>>>>> Also, care to comment whether there's any plan to jetisson the MS tools
>>>>> in the openjfx project, or at least align it with openjdk9's build system?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> -rjs
>>>>> On 10/24/2014 10:43 AM, Stephen F Northover wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>>>> Your previous email indicated that you could build, but that you can't
>>>>>> see the shared libraries.
>>>>>> Please try adding this the VM Arguments of your Eclipse launch
>>>>>> configuration:
>>>>>> -Djava.library.path=${workspace_loc:rt}/build/sdk/rt/bin
>>>>>> -Djavafx.verbose=true
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>> On 2014-10-24, 1:31 PM, Richard Steiger wrote:
>>>>>>> To recap a message I sent to the list on 9/12, I'm a newbie to
>>>>>>> JavaFX, and hoping to be able to contribute, initially fixing bugs.
>>>>>>> Stephen, I'm attempting to follow the instructions at:
>>>>>>>, and have
>>>>>>> found that the Visual Studio tools it calls out don't include the amd64
>>>>>>> tools, have struggled to adapt win.gradle to VS 2011, and otherwise dulled
>>>>>>> my pick. Also, when comparing the above instructions to openjdk9's build
>>>>>>> setup, I'm also wondering whether someone's revised the openjfx win build
>>>>>>> to use gcc, MinGW, Code::Blocks, clang++, or any other toolset besides the
>>>>>>> MS crud.
>>>>>>> Rather than dragging y'all through the blow-by-blow challenges I've
>>>>>>> been getting hit with, what I'm hoping is that one of you who's actively
>>>>>>> developing on a 64-bit Windows 7+ environment is willing to lend a hand to
>>>>>>> get me set-up with a working rig. Please reply to just me if you're willing
>>>>>>> to help, I think I just need a few minutes here and there to pick the right
>>>>>>> tools, verify I'm working against the correct repo, etc.
>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>> -rjs
>>>>>>> On 9/12/2014 2:40 PM, Stephen F Northover wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>>>>>> Did you follow the instructions at this link:
>>>>>>>> ?
>>>>>>>> You are picking up a set of shared libraries that do not match the
>>>>>>>> java code you are running in the IDE. You need to set java.library.path.
>>>>>>>> It's on the wiki and I meant to update it to be something sensible. My
>>>>>>>> build puts the dll's in an artifacts directory:
>>>>>>>> -Djava.library.path=${workspace_loc:rt}/../artifacts/sdk/rt/bin
>>>>>>>> You will need to edit this expression to pick up the dll's from the
>>>>>>>> standard build place (which I forget right now).
>>>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>>>> On 2014-09-12, 5:31 PM, Richard Steiger wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I'm a newbie to JavaFX, and hoping to be able to contribute down
>>>>>>>>> the road once I learn much more about it.
>>>>>>>>> To that end, I've been trying to get 8u-dev eclipse projects setup
>>>>>>>>> on a Win7 box so I can start stepping through the code. The current
>>>>>>>>> show-stopper is getting UnsatisfiedLinkErrors when the system is trying to
>>>>>>>>> access dlls, such as glass.dll.
>>>>>>>>> My rig:
>>>>>>>>> * jdk1.8.0_05
>>>>>>>>> * eclipse-SDK-N20140722-2000-win32-x86_64 (Mars stable build, has
>>>>>>>>> fix
>>>>>>>>> for StackOverflow bug in eclipse j8 compiler)
>>>>>>>>> * hg clone of 8u-dev as of 8/26
>>>>>>>>> Setup:
>>>>>>>>> * ran the gradle build (successfully)
>>>>>>>>> * imported the eclipse projects in the repo, all cleanly compile
>>>>>>>>> (but
>>>>>>>>> had to fix cross-project links and manually locate and attach 3p
>>>>>>>>> libs)
>>>>>>>>> * removed javafx.* and related JavaFX sources from JAVA_HOME/src
>>>>>>>>> * moved jfxrt.jar to a cache directory
>>>>>>>>> Failure situation:
>>>>>>>>> * attempting to launch jfx apps under eclipse debugger
>>>>>>>>> The following console output is typical of what I'm running into
>>>>>>>>> (with -verbose:jni on the command line):
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Object.registerNatives
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.hashCode]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.wait]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.notify]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.notifyAll]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Object.clone]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.System.registerNatives
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.System.nanoTime]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.System.arraycopy]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Thread.registerNatives
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.start0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.stop0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.isAlive]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.suspend0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.resume0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.setPriority0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.yield]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.sleep]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.currentThread]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.countStackFrames]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.interrupt0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.isInterrupted]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.holdsLock]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.getThreads]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.dumpThreads]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Thread.setNativeName]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> getInheritedAccessControlContext ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Class.registerNatives ...
>>>>>>>>> JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getName0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getSuperclass]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getInterfaces0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getClassLoader0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.isInterface]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getSigners]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.setSigners]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.isArray]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.isPrimitive]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getComponentType]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getModifiers]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFields0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.
>>>>>>>>> getDeclaredConstructors0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.
>>>>>>>>> getProtectionDomain0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getDeclaredClasses0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getDeclaringClass0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.
>>>>>>>>> getGenericSignature0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getRawAnnotations]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getConstantPool]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.
>>>>>>>>> desiredAssertionStatus0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.getEnclosingMethod0]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Class.
>>>>>>>>> getRawTypeAnnotations]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.ClassLoader.registerNatives
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.ClassLoader.
>>>>>>>>> retrieveDirectives]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Class.getPrimitiveClass
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Double.longBitsToDouble
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.System.initProperties ...
>>>>>>>>> JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method sun.misc.VM.initialize ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Runtime.maxMemory ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ...
>>>>>>>>> JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ...
>>>>>>>>> JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method sun.misc.Unsafe.registerNatives ...
>>>>>>>>> JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getObject]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putObject]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getObjectVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putObjectVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getBoolean]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putBoolean]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getBooleanVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putBooleanVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getByte]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putByte]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getByteVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putByteVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getShort]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putShort]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getShortVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putShortVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getChar]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putChar]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getCharVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putCharVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getInt]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putInt]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getIntVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putIntVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getLong]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putLong]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getLongVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putLongVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getFloat]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putFloat]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getFloatVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putFloatVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getDouble]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putDouble]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getDoubleVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putDoubleVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getByte]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putByte]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getShort]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putShort]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getChar]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putChar]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getInt]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putInt]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getLong]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putLong]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getFloat]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putFloat]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getDouble]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putDouble]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getAddress]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putAddress]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateMemory]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.reallocateMemory]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.freeMemory]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.objectFieldOffset]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.staticFieldOffset]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.staticFieldBase]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.
>>>>>>>>> ensureClassInitialized]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.arrayBaseOffset]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.arrayIndexScale]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.addressSize]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.pageSize]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getObject]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putObject]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getObjectVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putObjectVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getBoolean]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putBoolean]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getBooleanVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putBooleanVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getByte]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putByte]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getByteVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putByteVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getShort]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putShort]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getShortVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putShortVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getChar]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putChar]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getCharVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putCharVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getInt]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putInt]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getIntVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putIntVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getLong]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putLong]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getLongVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putLongVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getFloat]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putFloat]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getFloatVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putFloatVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getDouble]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putDouble]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getDoubleVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putDoubleVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getByte]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putByte]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getShort]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putShort]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getChar]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putChar]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getInt]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putInt]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getLong]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putLong]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getFloat]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putFloat]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getDouble]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putDouble]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getAddress]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putAddress]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateMemory]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.reallocateMemory]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.freeMemory]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.objectFieldOffset]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.staticFieldOffset]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.staticFieldBase]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.
>>>>>>>>> ensureClassInitialized]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.arrayBaseOffset]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.arrayIndexScale]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.addressSize]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.pageSize]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.defineClass]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateInstance]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.monitorEnter]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.monitorExit]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.tryMonitorEnter]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.throwException]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.
>>>>>>>>> compareAndSwapObject]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.compareAndSwapInt]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.compareAndSwapLong]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putOrderedObject]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putOrderedInt]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.putOrderedLong]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.park]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.unpark]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.getLoadAverage]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.copyMemory]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.setMemory]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.
>>>>>>>>> defineAnonymousClass]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.shouldBeInitialized]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.loadFence]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.storeFence]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Unsafe.fullFence]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.String.intern ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.System.setIn0 ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Object.getClass ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Class.forName0 ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method sun.reflect.Reflection.getClassAccessFlags
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method sun.reflect.
>>>>>>>>> NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0 ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.System.setOut0 ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.System.setErr0 ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ...
>>>>>>>>> JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.System.mapLibraryName ...
>>>>>>>>> JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.findBuiltinLib
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method sun.misc.Signal.findSignal ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method sun.misc.Signal.handle0 ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Compiler.registerNatives
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Compiler.compileClass]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Compiler.compileClasses]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Compiler.command]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Compiler.enable]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.Compiler.disable]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Class.isAssignableFrom
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.reflect.Array.newArray
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Runtime.availableProcessors
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ...
>>>>>>>>> JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.ClassLoader.findLoadedClass0
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.ClassLoader.findBootstrapClass
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method sun.misc.VMSupport.initAgentProperties
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.invoke.
>>>>>>>>> MethodHandleNatives.registerNatives ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.invoke.
>>>>>>>>> MethodHandleNatives.init]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.invoke.
>>>>>>>>> MethodHandleNatives.expand]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.invoke.
>>>>>>>>> MethodHandleNatives.resolve]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.invoke.
>>>>>>>>> MethodHandleNatives.getConstant]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.invoke.
>>>>>>>>> MethodHandleNatives.getNamedCon]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.invoke.
>>>>>>>>> MethodHandleNatives.getMembers]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.invoke.
>>>>>>>>> MethodHandleNatives.objectFieldOffset]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.invoke.
>>>>>>>>> MethodHandleNatives.setCallSiteTargetNormal]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.invoke.
>>>>>>>>> MethodHandleNatives.setCallSiteTargetVolatile]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.invoke.
>>>>>>>>> MethodHandleNatives.staticFieldOffset]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.invoke.
>>>>>>>>> MethodHandleNatives.staticFieldBase]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.invoke.
>>>>>>>>> MethodHandleNatives.getMemberVMInfo]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.
>>>>>>>>> invoke]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.
>>>>>>>>> invokeExact]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.find
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ...
>>>>>>>>> JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Package.getSystemPackage0
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method sun.misc.Perf.registerNatives ...
>>>>>>>>> JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Perf.attach]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Perf.detach]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Perf.createLong]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Perf.createByteArray]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Perf.highResCounter]
>>>>>>>>> [Registering JNI native method sun.misc.Perf.highResFrequency]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ...
>>>>>>>>> JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ...
>>>>>>>>> JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.util.TimeZone.getSystemTimeZoneID
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ...
>>>>>>>>> JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ...
>>>>>>>>> JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ...
>>>>>>>>> JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method sun.reflect.
>>>>>>>>> NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Class.isInstance ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DPipeline.nInit
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DPipeline.nGetAdapterCount
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.System.identityHashCode
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> WinApplication.staticScreen_getScreens ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DPipeline.nGetAdapterOrdinal
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DResourceFactory.nGetContext
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DContext.nSetBlendEnabled
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DContext.nSetDeviceParametersFor2D
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method com.sun.prism.d3d.
>>>>>>>>> D3DResourceFactory.nGetMaximumTextureSize ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> WinApplication._submitForLaterInvocation ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Throwable.getStackTraceDepth
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Throwable.getStackTraceElement
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> Exception in Application start method
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DPipeline.nDispose
>>>>>>>>> ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
>>>>>>>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>>>>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>>>>>>>>> at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>>>>>>>>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.
>>>>>>>>> launchApplicationWithArgs(
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplication(
>>>>>>>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>>>>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>>>>>>>>> at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>>>>>>>>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>>> at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper$FXHelper.main(LauncherHelper.
>>>>>>>>> java:767)
>>>>>>>>> Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception in Application
>>>>>>>>> start method
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplication1(
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.lambda$0(
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl$$Lambda$47/
>>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
>>>>>>>>> WinApplication._getHighContrastTheme()Ljava/lang/String;
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl._
>>>>>>>>> setPlatformUserAgentStylesheet(
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.
>>>>>>>>> setPlatformUserAgentStylesheet(
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.
>>>>>>>>> setDefaultPlatformUserAgentStylesheet(
>>>>>>>>> at javafx.scene.control.Control.<clinit>(
>>>>>>>>> at net.ess.newTools.HtmlEditor.start(
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.lambda$6(
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl$$Lambda$50/
>>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$6(
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$$Lambda$43/
>>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$18(
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$$Lambda$46/
>>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>> at Method)
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$5(
>>>>>>>>> at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$$Lambda$44/
>>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>> at$Future.
>>>>>>>>> run(
>>>>>>>>> at Method)
>>>>>>>>> at$4(
>>>>>>>>> at$$Lambda$36/
>>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>> ... 1 more
>>>>>>>>> Exception running application net.ess.newTools.HtmlEditor
>>>>>>>>> [Dynamic-linking native method java.lang.Shutdown.halt0 ... JNI]
>>>>>>>>> On the assumption that the VM is failing to load some dll, I've
>>>>>>>>> tried numerous means for letting eclipse know the load library path,
>>>>>>>>> including
>>>>>>>>> * passing "-Djava.library.path=" on the VM's command-line using ,
>>>>>>>>> pointing to the JDK's bin dir, and the JavaFX2.1 install's bin dir
>>>>>>>>> (where all dlls appear to live)
>>>>>>>>> * setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment var to both of the above
>>>>>>>>> dirs
>>>>>>>>> * adding both of the above dirs to PATH
>>>>>>>>> * cloning all dlls to the directory containing the
>>>>>>>>> javafx.application.Application.class file
>>>>>>>>> to no avail, I seem to be shooting in the dark (i.e. don't know
>>>>>>>>> enough what I'm doing).
>>>>>>>>> I'd appreciate any advice any of you can provide to help me get
>>>>>>>>> unstuck.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> -rjs
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