October 2014 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Oct 1 21:07:02 UTC 2014
Ending: Fri Oct 31 17:37:23 UTC 2014
Messages: 204
- 8u-dev unlocked -- M3 rampdown in effect
Kevin Rushforth
- 8u-dev unlocked following this week's sanity testing
Kevin Rushforth
- 8u-dev unlocked following this week's sanity testing <eom>
Kevin Rushforth
- 8u-dev unlocked following this week's sanity testing <eom>
Kevin Rushforth
- 8u40 & 9 CSS issues
Tom Eugelink
- 8u40 & 9 CSS issues
David Grieve
- 8u40 & 9 CSS issues
Mark Heckler
- 8u40 & 9 CSS issues
Tom Eugelink
- 8u40 & 9 CSS issues
Tom Eugelink
- 8u40 & 9 CSS issues
Stephen F Northover
- 8u40 & 9 CSS issues
Kevin Rushforth
- 8u40 & 9 CSS issues
ngalarneau at ABINITIO.COM
- 8u40 & 9 CSS issues
Kevin Rushforth
- 8u40 & 9 CSS issues
Tom Eugelink
- 8u40 (already reviewed) post-push notification: RT-36566 - make vram target limit more dynamic
Jim Graham
- 8u40 Review Request: [EnsembleApp] Add dialogs sample to Ensemble
Morris Meyer
- 8u40 Review Request: [EnsembleApp] Icon for Spinner is the same as progress bar
Morris Meyer
- 8u40 review request: adding unit test for fromFXImage()
Jim Graham
- 8u40 review request: RT-38923 OOM on animating transparent windows
Jim Graham
- 8u40 review request: RT-39046 - region cache rendering artifacts on SW pipeline
Jim Graham
- 8u40 review request: RT-39119 NaN values from short Transitions
Jim Graham
- 8u40 review request: RT-39120 Shape objects are blurry in some 3D transforms
Jim Graham
- 8u40 RFR: RT-39238: [media] Mac native platform code doesn't compile with parfait compilers
David DeHaven
- 8udev, Android and Monocle
Johan Vos
- 8udev, Android and Monocle
Stephen F Northover
- [8u26] Review request : RT-37597 - [Unit Tests] Adding tests for US Keyboard
elina kleyman
- [8u26] Review request : RT-37942 - [Monocle] ZoomTests are being failing
elina kleyman
- [8u40] Code Review Request for RT-38726: Scene and scenegraph leak when the Stage is closed
Chien Yang
- [8u40] Code Review Request For RT-38808: Mac + JFXPanel + popups: JRE fatal error.
Chien Yang
- [8u40] review request: RT-38475: Enable JavaFX to build with VS 2012 and VS 2013
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u40] review request: RT-38936: Thread classloader gets lost through the JFX launch process
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u40] Review request for RT-12725: Issue with 16 bit color
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u40] Review request for RT-23180: Allow animated GIF to be loaded partially if it has errors in the data stream
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u40] Review request for RT-23363: Mac: runtimeException when drawing to a huge window
Morris Meyer
- [8u40] Review request for RT-27128 Re-enable SelectBindingTests which relied on old logging behavior
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u40] Review request for RT-37693: QuadCurve example uses labels that refer to "cubic curve"
Morris Meyer
- [8u40] Review request for RT-37924: Spinner sample app for Ensemble8
Morris Meyer
- [8u40] Review request for RT-38058: Pagination leak
Morris Meyer
- [8u40] Review request for RT-38058: Pagination leak
Morris Meyer
- [8u40] Review request for RT-38058: Pagination leak
Morris Meyer
- [8u40] Review request for RT-38822: [Charts, CSS] Memory leak in PieChart
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u40] Review request for RT-38855: DoubleProperty.doubleProperty() Javadoc needs small fix
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u40] Review request for RT-38868: [JFXPanel] Access denied when scrolling in WebView in Sandboxed Applet
Anton V. Tarasov
- [8u40] Review request for RT-38868: [JFXPanel] Access denied when scrolling in WebView in Sandboxed Applet
Stephen F Northover
- [8u40] Review request for RT-38915: [Mac,JFXPanel] WebView draws duplicate image on Retina display
Anton V. Tarasov
- [8u40] Review request for RT-38915: [Mac, JFXPanel] WebView draws duplicate image on Retina display
Stephen F Northover
- [8u40] Review request for RT-38915: [Mac, JFXPanel] WebView draws duplicate image on Retina display
Anton V. Tarasov
- [8u40] Review request for RT-38921: [JFXPanel, Mac] popups + -Djavafx.embed.singleThread=true causes deadlock
Anton V. Tarasov
- [8u40] Review request for RT-38966: [JFXPanel] Scene Antialisaing doesn't work in JFXPanel
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u40] Review request for RT-38971: [Chart] Infinite loop after resizing a chart
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u40] Review request for RT-38978: [ComboBox] Editable ComboBox doesn't handle IM events if it gets focus through focus traversal keys.
Leif Samuelsson
- [8u40] Review request for RT-39045: [Stage, Windows] Bad rendering of Icons
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u40] Review request for RT-39066: [Slider] Tick labels for slider are not shown (regression)
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [8u] Review request: RT-37884: [WebView] Java Logger settings corrupt webview
Anton Nashatyrev
- [8u] Review request: RT-37884: [WebView] Java Logger settings corrupt webview
Stephen F Northover
- [8u] Review request: RT-39013: Reduce memory footprint of WCImageDecoderImpl
Leonid Popov
- [8u] Review request: RT-39013: Reduce memory footprint of WCImageDecoderImpl
Andrew Brygin
- British english on JavaFX controls
Michael Berry
- British english on JavaFX controls
Tom Schindl
- British english on JavaFX controls
Jim Clarke
- British english on JavaFX controls
Michael Berry
- British english on JavaFX controls
Tom Schindl
- British english on JavaFX controls
Tom Schindl
- British english on JavaFX controls
Tom Schindl
- British english on JavaFX controls
Michael Berry
- British english on JavaFX controls
Stephen F Northover
- British english on JavaFX controls
Michael Berry
- British english on JavaFX controls
Leif Samuelsson
- British english on JavaFX controls
Phil Race
- British english on JavaFX controls
Stephen F Northover
- CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Chris Bensen
Kevin Rushforth
- CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Chris Bensen
David Hill
- CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Chris Bensen
Danno Ferrin
- CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Chris Bensen
Danno Ferrin
- CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Chris Bensen
Vadim Pakhnushev
- CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Chris Bensen
Dmitry Cherepanov
- CFV: New OpenJFX Committer: Chris Bensen
David DeHaven
- Changes for October 2014 CPU release (8u25) synced into FX 8u
Kevin Rushforth
- Classpath-relative URLs in CSS
Werner Lehmann
- Classpath-relative URLs in CSS
David Grieve
- Classpath-relative URLs in CSS
Werner Lehmann
- Classpath-relative URLs in CSS
Werner Lehmann
- Code Review Request For RT-37946: Add a needsAlphaTest() method to BaseGraphics Class
Chien Yang
- Code Review Request For RT-38808:[JFXPanel, Mac] Popups causes JRE crash
Chien Yang
- CSS: style leaks from unrelated stylesheet
Werner Lehmann
- CSS: style leaks from unrelated stylesheet
Werner Lehmann
- CSS: style leaks from unrelated stylesheet
David Grieve
- CSS: style leaks from unrelated stylesheet
Werner Lehmann
- CSS: style leaks from unrelated stylesheet
Tom Eugelink
- CSS: style leaks from unrelated stylesheet
David Grieve
- CSS: style leaks from unrelated stylesheet
Tom Eugelink
- CSS warning
Tom Eugelink
- CSS warning
David Grieve
- CSS warning
Tom Eugelink
- CSS warning
David Grieve
- CSS warning
Tom Eugelink
- Embedding Mac native widgets into a Scene
Mike Hearn
- Embedding Mac native widgets into a Scene
Stephen F Northover
- Embedding Mac native widgets into a Scene
Jasper Potts
- Ensemble8
Bryan Buchanan
- Ensemble8
Vadim Pakhnushev
- Ensemble8
David Hill
- Error while compiling OpenJFX on Ubuntu 14.04
Navdeep Singh Sidhu
- Error while compiling OpenJFX on Ubuntu 14.04
Kevin Rushforth
- Error while compiling OpenJFX on Ubuntu 14.04
Navdeep Singh Sidhu
- Error while compiling OpenJFX on Ubuntu 14.04
Kevin Rushforth
- Error while compiling OpenJFX on Ubuntu 14.04
Navdeep Singh Sidhu
- Error while compiling OpenJFX on Ubuntu 14.04
Kevin Rushforth
- Error while compiling OpenJFX on Ubuntu 14.04
Navdeep Singh Sidhu
- Fw: Re: Problems with gradle
"João Carlos"
- How do I find out why the render loop is running?
Mike Hearn
- How do I find out why the render loop is running?
Tomas Mikula
- How do I find out why the render loop is running?
Kevin Rushforth
- How do I find out why the render loop is running?
Mike Hearn
- How do I find out why the render loop is running?
Tomas Mikula
- How do I find out why the render loop is running?
Mike Hearn
- How do I find out why the render loop is running?
Tomas Mikula
- In(Sanity) Testing Mondays
Kevin Rushforth
- In(Sanity) Testing Mondays
Vadim Pakhnushev
- In(Sanity) Testing Mondays
Stephen F Northover
- In(Sanity) Testing Mondays
Vadim Pakhnushev
- In(Sanity) Testing Mondays
Vadim Pakhnushev
- In(Sanity) Testing Mondays
Vadim Pakhnushev
- Java 8 not supporting Windows XP
Nada Milosavljevic
- Java 8 not supporting Windows XP
Tom Eugelink
- Java 8 not supporting Windows XP
Tom Schindl
- Java 8 not supporting Windows XP
Hervé Girod
- Java 8 not supporting Windows XP
Kevin Loverde
- Java 8 not supporting Windows XP
Kevin Rushforth
- JavaFX 8 Demos and Samples
Anirvan Sarkar
- JavaFX 8 Demos and Samples
Vadim Pakhnushev
- JavaFX 8 Demos and Samples
Anirvan Sarkar
- JavaFX training?
Adam Granger
- JavaFX training?
Johan Vos
- javapackager native windows bundle non empty app.classpath (package.cfg)
Stefan Kreutter
- javapackager native windows bundle non empty app.classpath (package.cfg)
Danno Ferrin
- jfx:native - MSI installer change request
Scott Lewis
- jfx:native - MSI installer change request
Scott Lewis
- jfx:native - MSI installer change request
Danno Ferrin
- jfx:native - MSI installer change request
Scott Lewis
- jfx:native - MSI installer change request
Danno Ferrin
- Latest Scene Builder release?
ngalarneau at ABINITIO.COM
- Latest Scene Builder release?
ngalarneau at ABINITIO.COM
- Mirrored observable collections
Mike Hearn
- New vram usage algorithms, [was Re: 8u40 (already reviewed) post-push notification: RT-36566 - make vram target limit more dynamic]
Jim Graham
- Objectwheel -- Sharing - Javax Androi
- Objectwheel android beta Javafx
- openJFX Using+an+IDE documentation
Cirujano Cuesta, Diego
- openJFX Using+an+IDE documentation
Stephen F Northover
- Please review compile warnings from GTK
David Hill
- preliminary 8u40 review request for RT-38948: Subscene text is blurry
Jim Graham
- Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows
Richard Steiger
- Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows
Stephen F Northover
- Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows
Richard Steiger
- Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows
Stephen F Northover
- Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows
Scott Palmer
- Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows
Richard Bair
- Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows
Chris Bensen
- Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows
Vadim Pakhnushev
- Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows
Scott Palmer
- Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows
Kevin Rushforth
- Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows
Vadim Pakhnushev
- Problem accessing jfx native libs under eclipse on windows
Vadim Pakhnushev
- Problems with gradle
ttilt at technologist.com
- Problems with gradle
Kevin Rushforth
- Problems with gradle
Kevin Rushforth
- Problems with gradle
"João Carlos"
- Problems with gradle
Kevin Rushforth
- REMINDER: next week is the rampdown leading up to M3 milestone
Kevin Rushforth
- Result: New OpenJFX Committer: Chris Bensen
Kevin Rushforth
- Result: New OpenJFX Committer: Michael Fang
Kevin Rushforth
- Result: New OpenJFX Committer: Morris Meyer
Kevin Rushforth
- Review for RT-38725
Danno Ferrin
- Review for RT-38725
David DeHaven
- Review for RT-38968
Danno Ferrin
- Review for RT-38968
Chris Bensen
- Review Request: RT-36851 - preloaders don't work in packaged applicaitons
Danno Ferrin
- review requested for Glass/GTK change
David Hill
- review requested for Glass/GTK change
Stephen F Northover
- RFR: RT-35212: [Printing] HBox/VBox can't be printed correctly if it contains TextField/PasswordField.
Phil Race
- RFR: RT-35212: [Printing] HBox/VBox can't be printed correctly if it contains TextField/PasswordField.
Stephen F Northover
- Software rendering in Prism in JavaFX 8?
Adam Granger
- Software rendering in Prism in JavaFX 8?
Stephen F Northover
- The Great FX 8u40 Bug Squash
Stephen F Northover
- WARNING: CSS Error parsing
Peter Penzov
- WARNING: CSS Error parsing
David Grieve
- WARNING: CSS Error parsing
Peter Penzov
- WARNING: CSS Error parsing
David Grieve
- WARNING: CSS Error parsing
Peter Penzov
- Why Javafx UI hangs or become unresponsive on using Plarform.runLater() ?
Navdeep Singh Sidhu
- Why Javafx UI hangs or become unresponsive on using Plarform.runLater() ?
Michael Berry
- Why Javafx UI hangs or become unresponsive on using Plarform.runLater() ?
Navdeep Singh Sidhu
- Why Javafx UI hangs or become unresponsive on using Plarform.runLater() ?
Tom Schindl
- Why Javafx UI hangs or become unresponsive on using Plarform.runLater() ?
Navdeep Singh Sidhu
- Why Javafx UI hangs or become unresponsive on using Plarform.runLater() ?
Jonathan Giles
- Why Javafx UI hangs or become unresponsive on using Plarform.runLater() ?
Navdeep Singh Sidhu
- Why Javafx UI hangs or become unresponsive on using Plarform.runLater() ? (Jonathan Giles)
Jeffrey Guenther
- Why Javafx UI hangs or become unresponsive on using Plarform.runLater() ? (Jonathan Giles)
Tom Schindl
- Why would most FontAwesome icons work but not one?
Mike Hearn
- Why would most FontAwesome icons work but not one?
Mario Torre
- Why would most FontAwesome icons work but not one?
Mike Hearn
- Why would most FontAwesome icons work but not one?
Phil Race
- Winlauncher & Preloader
Francisco Javier Godino
- Winlauncher & Preloader
Kevin Rushforth
Last message date:
Fri Oct 31 17:37:23 UTC 2014
Archived on: Fri Oct 31 17:37:29 UTC 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).