JavaFX graphic performance slow on Mac? Clock app

Jim Graham james.graham at
Fri Jul 10 00:19:43 UTC 2015

I was able to verify the CPU usage on my retina MBP and further show 
that ES2 on Windows also consumes a similar amount of CPU:

Mac (using ES2): 20-25%
Windows (using D3D): 3%
Windows (using ES2): 20%

so this is definitely related to our use of OpenGL and not a Mac 
platform issue (though it did have a couple percent more overhead than 
the ES2 pipe on Windows, the bulk of the performance was ES2 vs OGL).

Can you remove the external dependencies on the date formatter from your 
test case and then submit a bug so we can track this issue?


On 7/8/15 7:57 AM, Tobias Bley wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> please checkout the small app on Github:
> Mac OS X: 10.10.4
> Mac Book Pro Retina (Late 2012), Intel HD Graphics 4000 1024 MB, 8 GB RAM, i7 2,6Ghz
> Java FX 1.8.0_60
> FPS: Mac and Windows: 60 FPS
> CPU usage: Mac: 25-80%, Windows: 0-3%
> Best regards,
> Tobi
>> Am 07.07.2015 um 21:23 schrieb Jim Graham <james.graham at>:
>> Hi Tobi,
>> Can you share your small clock app?  Perhaps file a bug and attach the source?
>> Also, what version of MacOS are you running on what hardware?  (And compared to what version of Windows on what hardware?)
>> 			...jim
>> On 7/7/15 4:32 AM, Tobias Bley wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> currently our experiences with JavaFX on Mac are very disappointing. While JavaFX on Windows runs very good with low cpu usage, JavaFX on Mac via  Java 8 doesn’t perform well. I created a little clock app which uses between 25% and 80% cpu usage. But what’s the reason for? I though JavaFX rendering pipeline works on the graphic device? So why there is such a traffic on the CPU?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Tobi

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