July 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Jul 1 01:11:26 UTC 2015
Ending: Fri Jul 31 14:30:21 UTC 2015
Messages: 125
- Error: JFX not installed? Running openJDK7
- Missing Qt library when crosscompile JavaFX with WebKit for armv6hf
Stefan Baltov
- JavaFX graphic performance slow on Mac? Clock app
Tobias Bley
- JavaFX graphic performance slow on Mac? Clock app
Tobias Bley
- JavaFX graphic performance slow on Mac? Clock app
Tobias Bley
- JavaFX graphic performance slow on Mac? Clock app
Tobias Bley
- JavaFX graphic performance slow on Mac? Clock app
Tobias Bley
- JavaFX graphic performance slow on Mac? Clock app
Tobias Bley
- Error: JFX not installed? Running openJDK7
Matthias Bläsing
- bad TableView example in the tutorial
Henning Brackmann
- JavaFX features in JDK 9
Florian Brunner
- Simple equivalent to display: none?
Moises Chicharro
- Simple equivalent to display: none?
Moises Chicharro
- Cross build JavaFX for iMX6
- Cross build JavaFX for iMX6
- Cross build JavaFX for iMX6
- Cross build JavaFX for iMX6
- Cross build JavaFX for iMX6
- Cross build JavaFX for iMX6
- Cross build JavaFX for iMX6
- Cross build JavaFX for iMX6
- Scene updates in a later pulse
Fisher, Robert
- Bug ID: JDK-8131151 -- updated test code
Paul Furbacher
- Status of 3D blending when diffuse component has alpha
Herve Girod
- JavaFX graphic performance slow on Mac? Clock app
Jim Graham
- [9] Review request for 8130749: WebView 8u60 Gmail display problems on HiDPI
Jim Graham
- JavaFX graphic performance slow on Mac? Clock app
Jim Graham
- shader compilation fails on Adreno 420/430
Jim Graham
- shader compilation fails on Adreno 420/430
Jim Graham
- shader compilation fails on Adreno 420/430
Jim Graham
- shader compilation fails on Adreno 420/430
Jim Graham
- no Point2D.setLocation(x,y)?
Jim Graham
- Simple equivalent to display: none?
Mike Hearn
- no Point2D.setLocation(x,y)?
Sam Howman
- Fwd: no Point2D.setLocation(x,y)?
Sam Howman
- Patch for JDK-8090098 - [regression] Webview - getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value
Hruda, Steve
- Patch for JDK-8090098 - [regression] Webview - getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value
Hruda, Steve
- Patch for JDK-8090098 - [regression] Webview - getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value
Hruda, Steve
- Patch for JDK-8090098 - [regression] Webview - getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value
Hruda, Steve
- Patch for JDK-8090098 - [regression] Webview - getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value
Hruda, Steve
- Patch for JDK-8090098 - [regression] Webview - getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value
Hruda, Steve
- Patch for JDK-8090098 - [regression] Webview - getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value
Hruda, Steve
- Lazy loading of images in scrollpane
Christian Krampenschiesser
- JavaFX graphic performance slow on Mac? Clock app
Robert Krüger
- [8u, 9] Review request: JDK-8131072: Port UR fixes to OpenJFX8u
Irina Latysheva
- Bug JDK-8131148 is resolved
John Maton
- [8u60, 9] Review request for 8130219: Seek fails for media streams after several tries
Alexander Matveev
- No subject
Kay McCormick
- [9] Review request: JDK-8087709: Can set only second menu as system, when trying to set two menus at once
Morris Meyer
- Lazy loading of images in scrollpane
Tomas Mikula
- The Case for JavaFX & Emulated L&Fs (across iOS, Android etc.)
Tomas Mikula
- In(Sanity) Testing Mondays
Vadim Pakhnushev
- In(Sanity) Testing Mondays
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [9] Review request for 8131324: XYChart.extraValue change doesn't result in chart update.
Vadim Pakhnushev
- In(Sanity) Testing Mondays
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [PATCH] 8130458 : BooleanBinding binding/unbinding leaks
Vadim Pakhnushev
- In(Sanity) Testing Mondays
Vadim Pakhnushev
- [9] Review request for 8089305: Memory leak - many "weak" listeners within JavaFX core classes do not implement WeakListener
Vadim Pakhnushev
- In(Sanity) Testing Mondays
Vadim Pakhnushev
- JavaFX graphic performance slow on Mac? Clock app
Scott Palmer
- Simple equivalent to display: none?
Scott Palmer
- The Case for JavaFX & Emulated L&Fs (across iOS, Android etc.)
Scott Palmer
- Google Maps and WebView on Retina Mac
Dr. Michael Paus
- WebEngine, getDocument and JavaScript
Michael Pozhidaev
- Supported Font of JavaFX
Phil Race
- Supported Font of JavaFX
Phil Race
- Error: JFX not installed? Running openJDK7
Phil Race
- The Case for JavaFX & Emulated L&Fs (across iOS, Android etc.)
cogmission (David Ray)
- "Like" if you agree!
cogmission (David Ray)
- MediaView fails to play HLS video encoded with Main Profile?
Fawzib Rojas
- JavaFX features in JDK 9
Kevin Rushforth
- JavaFX features in JDK 9
Kevin Rushforth
- Cross build JavaFX for iMX6
Kevin Rushforth
- 9-dev unlocked following sanity testing <eom>
Kevin Rushforth
- JavaFX graphic performance slow on Mac? Clock app
Kevin Rushforth
- [9] Review request: 8131011: Remove use of obsolete ReflectUtil.newInstance method
Kevin Rushforth
- 9-dev unlocked following sanity testing <eom>
Kevin Rushforth
- Tab with rounded corners strange behaviour bug
Kevin Rushforth
- Bug ID: JDK-8131151 -- updated test code
Kevin Rushforth
- Changes for July 2015 CPU release (8u51) synced into FX 8u60, 8u-dev, and 9-dev
Kevin Rushforth
- 9-dev unlocked following sanity testing <eom>
Kevin Rushforth
- shader compilation fails on Adreno 420/430
Kevin Rushforth
- [9] post-commit review: 8132251: LauncherImpl: verbose flag used before property is read
Kevin Rushforth
- Bug JDK-8131148 is resolved
Kevin Rushforth
- 9-dev unlocked following sanity testing <eom>
Kevin Rushforth
- [8u] Review request: 8132470: [winxp] All JavaFX apps crash on startup
Kevin Rushforth
- no Point2D.setLocation(x,y)?
Kevin Rushforth
- no Point2D.setLocation(x,y)?
Kevin Rushforth
- no Point2D.setLocation(x,y)?
Kevin Rushforth
- Supported Font of JavaFX
- Supported Font of JavaFX
- Supported Font of JavaFX
- Lazy loading of images in scrollpane
Tom Schindl
- Error: JFX not installed? Running openJDK7
Tom Schindl
- Error: JFX not installed? Running openJDK7
Tom Schindl
- bad TableView example in the tutorial
Tom Schindl
- [PATCH] 8130458 : BooleanBinding binding/unbinding leaks
Jesper Skov
- comboBox.setValue and ActionEvent cycle
Alex Sviridov
- JavaFx8: One controller, two fxml,factory and @FXML problem -> bug or limit
Alex Sviridov
- Tab with rounded corners strange behaviour bug
Alex Sviridov
- WebEngine, getDocument and JavaScript
Anton Tarasov
- Google Maps and WebView on Retina Mac
Anton Tarasov
- [9, 8u-dev] Request for review: JDK-8132149 [WebView] not reporting device scale factor to a web service
Anton Tarasov
- Patch for JDK-8090098 - [regression] Webview - getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value
Anton V. Tarasov
- Patch for JDK-8090098 - [regression] Webview - getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value
Anton V. Tarasov
- Patch for JDK-8090098 - [regression] Webview - getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value
Anton V. Tarasov
- webview-deps 1.3 released!
Anton V. Tarasov
- Patch for JDK-8090098 - [regression] Webview - getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value
Anton V. Tarasov
- Patch for JDK-8090098 - [regression] Webview - getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value
Anton V. Tarasov
- Patch for JDK-8090098 - [regression] Webview - getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value
Anton V. Tarasov
- JavaFx: webview print with scale 100%
Anton V. Tarasov
- [9] Request for review: JDK-8090098 [WebView] getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value
Anton V. Tarasov
- [9, 8u-dev] Request for review: JDK-8130740 WebView does not render woff fonts
Anton V. Tarasov
- [9, 8u-dev] Request for review: JDK-8090062 Update java-wrappers for WebKit generated classes following WebKit update
Anton V. Tarasov
- Gesture + MouseEvent
Johan Vos
- shader compilation fails on Adreno 420/430
Johan Vos
- shader compilation fails on Adreno 420/430
Johan Vos
- shader compilation fails on Adreno 420/430
Johan Vos
- shader compilation fails on Adreno 420/430
Johan Vos
- shader compilation fails on Adreno 420/430
Johan Vos
- Cross build JavaFX for iMX6
Jörg Wille
- JavaFX graphic performance slow on Mac? Clock app
Jörg Wille
- Status of 3D blending when diffuse component has alpha
Chien Yang
- Code Review Request For JDK-8087624: BoxBounds.is2D() method needs to take into account of its Z dimension in it return value
Chien Yang
- System tray icon in KDE Plasma 5
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Last message date:
Fri Jul 31 14:30:21 UTC 2015
Archived on: Fri Jul 31 14:30:26 UTC 2015
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).