Tab with rounded corners strange behaviour bug

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Tue Jul 14 16:51:03 UTC 2015

Just from the CSS fragment, I can't tell what might be going on, but it 
does look like it could be a bug in JavaFX just based on the picture. A 
couple of questions:

1) What version of JDK are you running? We made a few fixes in border 
rendering in 8u40 and another fix in 8u60 that might (or might not) 
affect this.

2) the .css below looks wrong (and doesn't match what I saw on the stack 
overflow page). You aren't really trying to use a radius of 101000. so 
it looks like you are missing some spaces?

If you have a complete test case that isn't working, even after you try 
it with the latest 8u60 early access build, then please file a bug at:

-- Kevin

Alex Sviridov wrote:
>  I want to make tabs big with rounded corners. And this is my css file:
> The final target to make tab headers bigger with rounded corners.
> .tab:selected .focus-indicator {
> -fx-border-radius:101000,101000;
> -fx-border-insets:-7-7-9-8,-5-5-9-6;}
> .tab-pane >.tab-header-area >.headers-region >.tab:selected{
> -fx-border-insets:10101010,10101010;}
> .tab-pane >.tab-header-area >.headers-region >.tab >.tab-container >.tab-label {
> -fx-alignment: CENTER;
> -fx-text-fill:-fx-text-base-color;
> -fx-padding:01000;}
> .tab-header-area .tab{
> -fx-padding:410510;
> -fx-border-radius:101000;
> -fx-background-radius:101000;
> }
> However, some strange elements appear near corners and later appear. It can be seen on the following images:
> I asked this question at stackoverflow
> and one user said that this is "Changing CSS Id at run-time on Tab does not result in changing style" bug 
> However, I am not sure that this is the bug I am talking about as css rules are not set at runtime. This bug is important for me
> that's why I want to be sure that THIS bug is my problem. Please say, if this bug is my problem.

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