8u40 is released

Johan Vos johan at lodgon.com
Thu Mar 5 08:46:09 UTC 2015

I think it is really important to make a clear distinction between Oracle
as a (database/middleware) company and Oracle as the Java Steward.

As a Java Steward, Oracle is dedicated to the future of Java, which
includes JavaFX. The Oracle engineers contribute most of the code and
provide excellent support and communication to the community.

As a company, Oracle can decide that e.g. a commercially supported
SceneBuilder, or JavaFX on embedded, or whatever... is not in line with
their business goals. However, this does not mean that the technology is
not good or has no chance in another business constellation. I am not in
the business of selling cars, but that does not mean I don't believe in the
car industry.

Personally, I think that both SceneBuilder and JavaFX on Pi could lead to
more revenue on the backend, but if Oracle doesn't see it this way, hey
it's their business decision :)

Good enough, they take their job as a Java Steward serious, and that shows
by the many great features that have been added in JavaFX 8u40.

- Johan

2015-03-04 23:18 GMT+01:00 Tobias Bley <tobi at ultramixer.com>:

> In the past there were 2 bad signs from Oracle concerning JavaFX: end of
> support for JavaFX on RaspPi and SceneBuilder...
> So does have JavaFX a future?
> Tobi
> > Am 04.03.2015 um 23:14 schrieb Mike Hearn <mike at plan99.net>:
> >
> > That's great Johan, but ...... what does this mean, exactly? Is SB
> > effectively dead at this point? Short of some horrifically convoluted
> > corporate politics I can't understand why Oracle would develop an
> > application but not provide downloads of it. Does this mean SB won't be
> > upgraded past 8u40?
> >
> > I mean - I don't think it's unreasonable of me to be surprised by this,
> and
> > I thought I followed JFX development pretty closely. What's the story
> here?
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 11:39 AM, Johan Vos <johan at lodgon.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Oracle stated that they won't release new binaries for SceneBuilder, but
> >> since the code is open-source and BSD licensed, third parties and the
> Java
> >> Community in general can create binaries based on the SceneBuilder
> sources.
> >> This is what we did at Gluon (http://gluonhq.com), and the result can
> be
> >> downloaded at http://gluonhq.com/products/downloads/
> >> This download is based on the latest 8u40 source code in OpenJFX. It
> >> includes the 8u40 Controls (e.g. Spinner, Dialogs).
> >>
> >> Hope this is helpful.
> >>
> >> - Johan
> >>
> >> 2015-03-04 16:31 GMT+01:00 Mike Hearn <mike at plan99.net>:
> >>
> >>> Hi Kevin,
> >>>
> >>> Scene Builder source code is available in the OpenJFX repo under the
> >>>> license, but separate binaries are no longer being released as of
> 8u40.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I'm a bit confused what this means.
> >>>
> >>> People who want to use Scene Builder are expected to compile it
> themselves
> >>> from now on? Does that really make sense? Presumably the idea here is
> that
> >>> SB will be integrated into IDEs and will no longer have any purpose as
> a
> >>> standalone app, but I'm not sure we're ready to go there yet - the last
> >>> time I tried the SB integration into IntelliJ it was extremely basic
> and
> >>> far below the experience of the dedicated app.
> >>>
> >>> As just one example, UI design benefits a lot from maximal screen
> space.
> >>> IDE embeddings often don't provide that.
> >>>
> >>
> >>

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