Bug: SceneAntialiasing.BALANCED flips the scene on Mac

Chien Yang chien.yang at oracle.com
Mon Sep 14 19:58:02 UTC 2015

Hi Jose,

Thanks for the heads-up! I'm able to reproduce the bug on my Macbook Pro 
(retina display). I will file a JIRA on this if you haven't done it yet.

- Chien

On 9/12/15, 7:34 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> > I haven't found any report of this at http://bugs.openjdk.java.net.
> Then may I suggest that you please file one? Please also include your 
> graphics chipset in the bug report in case that is relevant.
> Thanks.
> -- Kevin
> José Pereda wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Based on this question at StackOverflow:
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32525086/javafx-rendering-issue-on-osx-after-java-upgrade 
>> Running the test from the original question on my MacBook Pro Retina, 
>> OS X
>> Yosemite, with JDK 8u60 and the default prism es2, the scene was flipped
>> vertically, but the mouse events were at the expected top position.
>> I was able to narrow down the issue with this simple test case:
>> public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
>>     Scene scene = new Scene(new StackPane(new
>> Label("Antialising\nBalanced")),
>>             300, 300, true, SceneAntialiasing.BALANCED);
>>     primaryStage.setScene(scene);
>>     primaryStage.show();
>> }
>> Changing BALANCED to DISABLED solved the issue.
>> I haven't found any report of this at http://bugs.openjdk.java.net.
>> Thanks,
>> Jose

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