Anyone using JMX with JavaFX?
Mario Torre
neugens.limasoftware at
Tue Jun 14 11:05:35 UTC 2016
On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 12:25 PM, Robert Krüger
<krueger at> wrote:
> Only regarding the net loss for the community: There are not many places
> where people trying to defend (and make a living off) Java as a viable
> desktop technology can try to get information from Oracle and the questions
> he asks are also the ones we (as an ISV with a Java-based product) would
> ask, so I do regard them as valuable.
> Having said that, I understand, however that those things will never get an
> answer here (never have in the past, having asked such questions myself).
> Just writing that so Felix does not feel that he's alone with his concerns
> and to add another data point on the Oracle radar that Houston, we do have
> a real problem here and quite a few frustrated Java advocates.
Eh, I thought this thread was finally over...
This mailing list is definitely not the place to discuss such things.
Discussing Oracle plans is something only Oracle can do, so asking
about those on a development mailing lists doesn't work out.
As for more general things, even including adoption of the technology,
that may be more or less related to actual development, there are
other, better, places, for example FOSDEM and JavaOne are just two of
the various conferences that generated great and very useful deal of
discussions over the years.
If you care about participating in a constructive manner, you should
check those out, really. There are other channels, too. For instance,
the Adoption Group is a great place to start asking questions. No, not
questions like what Oracle is planning to do with XXX, you won't find
answer for those there, but you'll be directed in how to contribute,
and contribution means also discussing in a constructive manner (this
can also have the form harsh criticism at times, btw, as long as is
not gratuitous).
That said, it has happened in the past, and will certainly happen in
the future, that some questions that touch areas perhaps less round
regarding the actual development like interest is specific means of
integrations or specific issues about adoption, etc... find a place of
discussion here. This is not how generally works, because this is
about development, but it's understandable in a living Community to
also take *some* discussion at that level.
The problem here is another one. First, insisting when somebody have
been asked, politely, to stop, and the second and most important is
the manner of presenting ones idea, by hijacking a purely development
oriented thread with random and totally unclear questions, attempted
sarcasm and just lots of negativity. A thread, btw, that asked the
Community suggestions how to proceed regarding the removal of rather
unused code, so instead of having a constructive participation in a
technically oriented thread, the thread was hijacked with harsh
resentment both on and especially off-list resulting in just a missed
opportunity if you ask me.
Just to conclude, there are just too many layers before our voices can
be heard by who makes decision, if we start off by screaming chances
are that our messages will never go through, instead ranting and
offending only has the effect of lowering ones credibility, so if you
fall on this side, even with the best intentions, your "contributions"
will likely end up nowhere.
Please, let's try to be constructive, there is a place and a time for
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