MarlinFX upgrade 0.7.5

Jim Graham james.graham at
Tue May 16 21:27:12 UTC 2017

That's fine, I just wanted to make sure the difference was intentional and not something that fell through the cracks...


On 5/16/17 2:17 PM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
> One more comment about '(D)RendererSharedMemory in FX, but not 2D':
> This reduces the memory footprint of the RendererContext among Renderer and
> RendererNoAA implementations (shared arrays) that can co-exist at runtime
> if both AA and NonAA rendering is needed.
> As this behavior is unique to JavaFX, I wonder if it is worth to backport
> this small difference in Marlin2D where there will be no gain.
> Laurent
> 2017-05-16 23:11 GMT+02:00 Laurent Bourgès <bourges.laurent at>:
>> Hi Jim,
>> I didn't notice anything functionally wrong with reviewing the webrev.
>>> I'm going to do some basic testing on it now while you create a JBS bug for
>>> it and submit for a formal review.  But I did notice some discrepancies by
>>> diffing the sources against each other which it would be nice to know if
>>> they were oversights or "future work".  If there is something you think
>>> should be addressed now, do that in the process of switching to a formal
>>> review (with JBS #) on it...
>> I will create the JBS bug asap.
>>> I did a bit of diffing:
>>> - Marlin2D against MarlinFX
>>> - *NoAA against the AA versions
>>> and noticed:
>> Thanks for your carefull analysis, here are my comments below:
>> - RendererNoAA and DRendererNoAA line 38 are missing a "d" suffix.
>>> - RendererNoAA and DRendererNoAA lines 61,90 - missing comment about test
>> I forgot to synchronize recent changes into RendererNoAA variants: good
>> catch !
>>> - Helpers and DHelpers - some adjustment of "pts[ off+1 ]" lines that
>>> didn't happen in 2D
>> I decided to revert those minor syntax changes.
>>> - Configurable constants for Inc/Dec/Quad/Cubic in 2D, but not FX
>> I hesitated but decided to backport the support for these configurable
>> constants in all (D)Renderer(NoAA) (4 variants)
>>> - DRendererSharedMemory in FX, but not 2D
>>> - FloatMath.ceil_f deleted from FX, but not 2D (not used in 2D)
>>> - (FloatMath.floor_f is also only in 2D, but it is used in
>>> MarlinRenderingEngine)
>> I decided to leave those FloatMath differences as Marlin2D (and FloatMath
>> Tests) do use these methods.
>> Finally I propose another MarlinFX webrev:
>> Changes:
>> - (D)Helpers: revert syntax changed in cubicRootsInAB() + fixed comment in
>> subdivide()
>> - (D)MarlinRenderingEngine: added logs for cubic/quad properties
>> - (D)Renderer and (D)RendererNoAA: use cubic/quad properties like Marlin2D
>> - (D)RendererNoAA: fixed syntax changes mentioned: missing "d" suffix +
>> comment about test
>> - MarlinProperties: added quality settings (cubic/quad)
>> PS: I will send an updated webrev for the Marlin2D patch.
>> Regards,
>> Laurent

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