System font fails to load on Windows 7 - possible causes/fixes?

Phil Race philip.race at
Mon Nov 27 23:51:13 UTC 2017

It seems to be mostly about this font  that is NOT your system font .. 
but one
you are loading from somewhere.
Temp file created: 
Mapping IDWriteFont="Segoe UI Semilight" Postscript 
name="SegoeUI-Semilight" Win32 name="Segoe UI Semilight Regular"

The repeated error is for that one font
Mapping IDWriteFont="Segoe UI Semilight" Postscript 
name="SegoeUI-Semilight" Win32 name="Segoe UI Semilight Regular"^M
         **** Failed to map IDWriteFont to Prism ****

So it looks as if DirectWrite does not like that font.
Where did you get it ?

according to Microsoft it is only available as part of Windows 8

So perhaps it isn't compatible with DW on Windows 7.


On 11/26/2017 12:16 AM, Itai wrote:
> I have recently come across a problem where some systems don't show Hebrew
> glyphs using JavaFX, where all other programs run perfectly fine.
> Changing the system font seems to be a workaround, but this is undesirable
> from the user's standpoint.
> At first I thought it was some issue with font substitution, so I ran the
> program with the option `-Dprism.debugfonts=true`, and apparently JavaFX
> completely fails to load the defined system fonts (which are the Windows 7
> standard, Segoe UI).
> I'm getting a lot of :
>       **** Failed to map IDWriteFont to Prism ****
> What can be the cause for this, and how do I go about further diagnosing
> the issue? I suppose this is some bug, but I'm not sure where or what
> exactly it is, so I don't know what details to give in a bug report.
> Attached is the full log of running with `-Dprism.debugfonts=true`.
> Thanks,
> Itai.

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