System font fails to load on Windows 7 - possible causes/fixes?

Itai itaisha at
Tue Nov 28 15:35:57 UTC 2017

As far as I know this is a default Windows 7 installation, but it is
entirely possible a font was added at some point. I don't know where it was
sourced if that is the case.

I will try removing this font to see if it makes a difference, but note
that Prism also seems to be failing to load "Segoe UI Regular", which as I
understand is meant to be the normal "Segoe UI" font?

The only font this program loads by name is FontAwesome, which is embedded
in the JAR. There is no reference to either Segoe UI or Segoe UI Semilight
in the code, so if it tries to load them I'm assuming it is from the
Windows fonts directory.

On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 1:51 AM, Phil Race <philip.race at> wrote:

> It seems to be mostly about this font  that is NOT your system font .. but
> one
> you are loading from somewhere.
> Temp file created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Te
> mp\+JXF7252213042545373012.tmp^M
> Mapping IDWriteFont="Segoe UI Semilight" Postscript
> name="SegoeUI-Semilight" Win32 name="Segoe UI Semilight Regular"
> The repeated error is for that one font
> Mapping IDWriteFont="Segoe UI Semilight" Postscript
> name="SegoeUI-Semilight" Win32 name="Segoe UI Semilight Regular"^M
>         **** Failed to map IDWriteFont to Prism ****
> So it looks as if DirectWrite does not like that font.
> Where did you get it ?
> according to Microsoft it is only available as part of Windows 8
> So perhaps it isn't compatible with DW on Windows 7.
> -phil
> On 11/26/2017 12:16 AM, Itai wrote:
>> I have recently come across a problem where some systems don't show Hebrew
>> glyphs using JavaFX, where all other programs run perfectly fine.
>> Changing the system font seems to be a workaround, but this is undesirable
>> from the user's standpoint.
>> At first I thought it was some issue with font substitution, so I ran the
>> program with the option `-Dprism.debugfonts=true`, and apparently JavaFX
>> completely fails to load the defined system fonts (which are the Windows 7
>> standard, Segoe UI).
>> I'm getting a lot of :
>>       **** Failed to map IDWriteFont to Prism ****
>> What can be the cause for this, and how do I go about further diagnosing
>> the issue? I suppose this is some bug, but I'm not sure where or what
>> exactly it is, so I don't know what details to give in a bug report.
>> Attached is the full log of running with `-Dprism.debugfonts=true`.
>> Thanks,
>> Itai.

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