More community participation in JavaFX

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at
Tue Feb 6 13:29:46 UTC 2018

On 02.02.2018 00:26, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> We are specifically looking to discuss ideas around the following areas:
> * Easing barriers to contribution (e.g., making JavaFX easier to build, 
> better documentation, making it easier to test changes)

I'd suggest explicitly asking for feedback from the maintainers of 
downstream builds, such as

In the case of the JDK, downstream builders of OpenJDK tend to provide 
very useful first hand feedback of barriers to building & contribution, 
and often end up becoming regular contributors themselves, due to the 
hard, fundamental nature of (build) problems one needs to resolve to be 
able to provide a working build for one's own operating system.

dalibor topic
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