Repositories, AdoptOpenJDK and github

Johan Vos johan.vos at
Thu Feb 15 08:20:27 UTC 2018

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 4:09 AM Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at>

> As I said before, we need to be careful where the discussion is made. PRs
> on GitHub have their own thread and there's also the mailing list. Maybe
> someone from Oracle already has done work related to the PR, and this will
> only be known if a JBS issue is submitted or a mailing list thread is
> started. Isn't this supposed to happen before starting to work on a PR even
> (ideally)?
> Yes, which is why I propose that we start with a JBS bug ID. A note to the
> list along the lines of "Hi, I'd like to work on JDK-123456" would be a
> good idea too, to avoid duplication of effort, and to indicate to other
> developers that the bug is now being looked at.

A global reference in JBS would indeed be very good to track back the work
in a PR to a real issue. It can also be very useful as there are many
existing issues in JBS that can be referred to in future work.

The only issue I see is that in order to create an issue in JBS, you need
to have "author" status, so not everyone can do this? Given the idea that
developers who want to create a PR also need to sign an OCA, it might make
sense to somehow combine the administration?

- Johan

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