Repositories, AdoptOpenJDK and github

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Thu Feb 15 23:14:57 UTC 2018

Johan Vos wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 4:09 AM Kevin Rushforth 
> <kevin.rushforth at <mailto:kevin.rushforth at>> wrote:
> A global reference in JBS would indeed be very good to track back the 
> work in a PR to a real issue. It can also be very useful as there are 
> many existing issues in JBS that can be referred to in future work.
> The only issue I see is that in order to create an issue in JBS, you 
> need to have "author" status, so not everyone can do this? Given the 
> idea that developers who want to create a PR also need to sign an OCA, 
> it might make sense to somehow combine the administration?

I don't think we can combine this, but I hope to be able to relax the 
requirements to become an Author a little. The current guidelines are 2 
sponsored contributions [1].

Pending appointment as an Author, it isn't hard to submit a bug via . If there is a test case, it usually gets 
moved to the JDK project within a day or so (and I can move them sooner, 
if needed). The bigger bother is that you can't comment in JBS on a bug 
you didn't create, but once the bug is there, you can work on it in 
GutHub and/or send email to the list. I'll also add any comments from 
contributors who are not yet Authors to any bug report.

-- Kevin


> - Johan 

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