Proposal For Inclusion of Robot and ParametersImpl in the Public API

Michael Ennen mike.ennen at
Fri Mar 23 21:50:07 UTC 2018


I believe I followed all of your suggestions, except the one with a
re-usable WritableImage.
If you want me to implement that as well, I can, but you seemed unsure
about the necessity
of it.

Hopefully it is easy for you to review using the GitHub PR:
as it takes less effort for me as the manual process of converting to a hg
patch and importing it to generate
a webrev is somewhat laborious.

Once you approve the changes I can of course generate a hg patch, commit,
and webrev.

Since you suggested the params to be doubles I took the initiative and
changed the params
"down the line" to the native API calls, where appropriate. What I mean is,
take the Mac
GlassRobot.m implementation, the native `_mouseMove` implementation uses
which expects a CGPoint for the (x,y) location, which uses floats. So in
this case the doubles
are "down-casted" to floats to interact the native API, and then
"up-casted" to doubles when
returned by the public Robot class.

For other native API implementations the double params are "down-casted"
all the way to
ints if that's what the native API expects in the following sense:

 (starts as double)  ------> Downcasted to what the native API wants
(sometimes int, sometimes float)
             |                 <------ Always upcasted to double as that's
what public Robot API uses
public Robot class <-> private GlassRobot <-> platform-specific Java class
(e.g. <-> native implementation (e.g. MacRobot.m)

This way the values returned by, for example, getMouseX and getMouseY, more
match the actual values of the system, and the double params given to, for
example, mouseMove,
are used to provide better accuracy when the native API supports it, but if
not, the double
is simply casted to an int the extra precision does nothing. In other
words, calling robot.mouseMove(75.5, 75.5)
will try and pass the extra accuracy along to the native API if it expects
it, but if not, won't.

Hopefully that makes sense.


On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 5:54 AM, Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at
> wrote:

> Michael Ennen wrote:
> Quick question:
> Currently a Robot is created by calling `Application.createRobot` which
> delegates
> to the underlying platform-specific application class (GtkApplication,
> WinApplication, etc.)
> via `;`
> I just meant that the Toolkit class was a convenient place to call
> -- something
> like this:
> Toolkit:
> public GlassRobot createRobot() {   // or could be abstract
>     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented");
> }
> QuantumToolkit:
> public GlassRobot createRobot() {
>     return;
> }
> The reason for doing it there is because it already has the mechanism for
> handling QuantumToolkit versus StubToolkit. Otherwise you wouldn't need the
> extra level of indirection.
> -- Kevin
> You suggest moving this to the Toolkit class? If GtkRobot, WinRobot, etc.
> all extend
> the abstract base class GlassRobot (the peer), how will Toolkit be able to
> instantiate
> the correct, platform-specific class? Sorry, I got stuck trying to
> implement this part
> of your review. The rest is easy for me to follow and will be no problem.
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 4:28 PM, Kevin Rushforth <
> kevin.rushforth at> wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> Here is some quick feedback.
>> I think what you have is heading in the right direction as far as the
>> public API goes. I'd like to get some feedback from other developers as
>> well. I would want to make sure that the API meets the needs of multiple
>> developers.
>> I took a look at the public class and as I may have mentioned earlier, it
>> will help to split the API and the implementation even further, by creating
>> a peer object as we do for Scene, Stage, etc., rather than having the glass
>> platform implementation directly subclass the public Robot class.
>> Then you can easily delegate to the Glass Robot peer without having any
>> implementation leak into the public API (e.g., the overridden create and
>> dispose methods).
>> So what you would have in that case is something more like this:
>> public final class Robot {
>>     private final GlassRobot peer;
>>     public Robot() {
>>         // Ensure we have proper permission for creating a robot.
>>         final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
>>         if (sm != null) {
>>             sm.checkPermission(CREATE_ROBOT_PERMISSION);
>>         }
>>         Application.checkEventThread();
>>         peer = Toolkit.createRobot();
>>     }
>>     // NOTE: for the rest, the peer can do the thread check
>>     public void keyPress(KeyCode keyCode) {
>>         peer.keyPress(keyCode);
>>     }
>>     public void keyRelease(KeyCode keyCode) {
>>         peer.keyRelease(keyCode);
>>     }
>>     public final void keyType(KeyCode keyCode) {
>>         keyPress(keyCode);
>>         keyRelease(keyCode);
>>     }
>>     ...
>> And so on. The Toolkit class can return a glass robot "peer" which should
>> then only need minor changes  (e.g., to the signatures of methods that have
>> slightly different types) from the current one. The QuantumToolkit
>> implementation of createPeer can construct, initialize, and return the
>> GlassRobot instance. The StubToolkit and DummyToolkit implementations can
>> throw an UnsuppportedOperationException.
>> As for the public API, the set of methods you have seem mostly what we
>> would want. Here are a few quick thoughts:
>> void keyPress(KeyCode keyCode);
>> void keyRelease(KeyCode keyCode);
>> void keyType(KeyCode keyCode);
>> int getMouseX();     // maybe should return double?
>> int getMouseY();
>> Point2D getMousePosition();
>> void mouseMove(int x, int y);   // maybe params should be double?
>> void mouseMove(Point2D location);
>> void mousePress(MouseButton button);        // This one seems
>> redundant...covered by the next method
>> void mousePress(MouseButton... buttons);
>> void mouseRelease(MouseButton button);      // This one seems
>> redundant...covered by the next method
>> void mouseRelease(MouseButton... buttons);
>> // I don't see the need for this method
>> void mouseWheel(int wheelAmt, VerticalDirection direction);
>> void mouseWheel(int wheelAmt);
>> Color getPixelColor(int x, int y);  // maybe params should be double?
>> Color getPixelColor(Point2D location);
>> // Probably the following should return WritableImage to match Snapshot.
>> maybe also have a variable that takes a WritableImage to allow caller to
>> allocate and reuse (that might overkill in this case)?
>> Image getScreenCapture(int x, int y, int width, int height); // maybe
>> params should be double?
>> Image getScreenCapture(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean
>> scaleToFit); // maybe params should be double?
>> Image getScreenCapture(Rectangle2D region);
>> Image getScreenCapture(Rectangle2D region, boolean scaleToFit);
>> void getScreenCapture(int x, int y, int width, int height, int[] data);
>> // Not sure we need / want this one
>> The biggest question I have is whether we should follow the pattern of
>> the other related public APIs in Screen and Stage and use doubles
>> everywhere rather than ints. Also, we will need to see whether there are
>> any implications for multiple screens (probably not, but the docs will need
>> to specify what coordinates the x, and y values are in).
>> Hopefully this will spark a discussion.
>> -- Kevin
>> Michael Ennen wrote:
>> Ping :)
>> On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 4:28 PM, Kevin Rushforth <
>> kevin.rushforth at> wrote:
>>> I'll take a look some time after RDP2 of JDK 10.
>>> -- Kevin
>>> Michael Ennen wrote:
>>> Hey Kevin,
>>> Hope you had a good holiday. Hopefully you will get some time in the
>>> coming weeks
>>> to review my work.
>>> Thanks!
>>> On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 3:05 PM, Kevin Rushforth <
>>> kevin.rushforth at> wrote:
>>>> Sure, no problem. One quick comment is that a common way to solve this
>>>> is by delegating to an implementation class, which would then be
>>>> sub-classes.
>>>> -- Kevin
>>>> Michael Ennen wrote:
>>>> I am not trying to be a burden here. I understand that you may not have
>>>> time to hand-hold
>>>> to this degree. I will try and make progress, sorry for the follow up
>>>> question.
>>>> On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 2:08 PM, Michael Ennen <mike.ennen at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> How can Robot call into the implementation when it is a super class of
>>>>> the implementations?
>>>>> On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 2:04 PM, Kevin Rushforth <
>>>>> kevin.rushforth at> wrote:
>>>>>> Michael Ennen wrote:
>>>>>> I have a question about how to proceed with the Robot code.
>>>>>> The base abstract Robot class is:
>>>>>> /openjfx/blob/master/modules/
>>>>>> avafx/scene/robot/
>>>>>> As you can see for each method, such as "getMouseX()" there is a "_"
>>>>>> prefixed method
>>>>>> which is abstract and a non-prefixed method:
>>>>>> protected abstract int _getMouseX();
>>>>>> public int getMouseX() {
>>>>>>     Application.checkEventThread();
>>>>>>     return _getMouseX();
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> I have copied this from the private Robot API.
>>>>>> Is there a better way to do this? Would this pass review?
>>>>>> Yes there are better ways to do this. No it would not pass review,
>>>>>> since this would be leaking implementation into the public API.
>>>>>> Rather than copying the public / protected methods from the internal
>>>>>> package, it probably makes more sense to start with what a Robot API should
>>>>>> look like and then have that call into the implementation (suitably
>>>>>> modified so it better matches the public API). For one thing you will then
>>>>>> leave the implementation, including the per-platform code, where it belongs
>>>>>> -- in glass. The Robot API can be informed by the current implementation,
>>>>>> but should not be defined by it.
>>>>>> -- Kevin
>>>>>> Thanks very much.
>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 5:29 PM, Kevin Rushforth <
>>>>>> kevin.rushforth at> wrote:
>>>>>>> Glad you got the build working. You can post back on this thread
>>>>>>> when you are ready.
>>>>>>> -- Kevin
>>>>>>> Michael Ennen wrote:
>>>>>>> Correction:
>>>>>>> Adding ""--add-exports"
>>>>>>> to buildSrc/addExports.
>>>>>>> For posterity :)
>>>>>>> On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 6:08 PM, Michael Ennen <mike.ennen at>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ah, indeed, missed adding "--add-opens
>>>>>>>>" to
>>>>>>>> buildSrc/addExports.
>>>>>>>> Thanks for the guidance on that.
>>>>>>>> I will continue to work on this in the GitHub repo and polish it up
>>>>>>>> (add javadocs, better method signatures, etc.) and
>>>>>>>> even plan on maybe improving the underlying native Robot
>>>>>>>> implementations (for example fixing/improving the
>>>>>>>> way color profiles are handled for MacRobot).
>>>>>>>> I will also take a look at "fixing" JemmyFX to use the new public
>>>>>>>> API (as well as any other place in the JavaFX code
>>>>>>>> base that does).
>>>>>>>> I was expecting that JDK 11 would be the appropriate time frame,
>>>>>>>> especially because it will be the release where
>>>>>>>> private APIs will be totally inaccessible, correct?
>>>>>>>> After I get it in a reasonable state should I post back on this
>>>>>>>> mailing list thread or what would be the appropriate
>>>>>>>> way?
>>>>>>>> Thanks Kevin.
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 5:12 PM, Kevin Rushforth <
>>>>>>>> kevin.rushforth at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> This is a limitation of the the way --patch-modules works. You
>>>>>>>>> will need to add an entry in:
>>>>>>>>> buildSrc/addExports
>>>>>>>>> Btw, as for the proposal itself, this might need to be a JEP
>>>>>>>>> depending on the scope. In any case, it could be considered in the JDK 11
>>>>>>>>> time frame, but there are several things that need to be worked out before
>>>>>>>>> making Robot a public API, including the fact that the JemmyFX framework in
>>>>>>>>> the openjfx/jfx/tests directory uses Robot. Once you get a working
>>>>>>>>> prototype, it would be interesting to discuss it in more detail.
>>>>>>>>> -- Kevin
>>>>>>>>> Michael Ennen wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Currently I am stuck with tests not being able to see the new
>>>>>>>>> "javafx.scene.robot" module:
>>>>>>>>> Task :systemTests:compileTestJava
>>>>>>>>> C:\Users\brcolow\dev\openjfx\tests\system\src\test\java\test\robot\com\sun\glass\ui\monocle\
>>>>>>>>> error: package javafx.scene.robot is not visible
>>>>>>>>> import javafx.scene.robot.Robot;
>>>>>>>>>                    ^
>>>>>>>>>   (package javafx.scene.robot is declared in module, which
>>>>>>>>> does not export it)
>>>>>>>>> C:\Users\brcolow\dev\openjfx\tests\system\src\test\java\test\robot\com\sun\glass\ui\monocle\
>>>>>>>>> error: package javafx.scene.robot is not visible
>>>>>>>>> import javafx.scene.robot.Robot;
>>>>>>>>> I have added:
>>>>>>>>>     exports javafx.scene.robot;
>>>>>>>>> to: modules/
>>>>>>>>> But this does not seem to be enough.
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 4:48 PM, Michael Ennen <mike.ennen at> <mike.ennen at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I am still working on all the necessary changes to actually allow openjfx
>>>>>>>>> to compile.
>>>>>>>>> Tons to learn in that arena and I know the code as it is written won't
>>>>>>>>> totally work.
>>>>>>>>> For example one can no longer:
>>>>>>>>> #include "com_sun_glass_ui_Robot.h"
>>>>>>>>> as in openjfx\modules\\src\main\native-glass\win\Robot.cpp
>>>>>>>>> But I am not sure how those headers are generated and if I can just simply
>>>>>>>>> change
>>>>>>>>> it to "#include javafx_scene_robot_Robot.h" (which I very much doubt).
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 2:29 PM, Michael Ennen <mike.ennen at> <mike.ennen at>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I have created a (small) proposal (building on the work of Benjamin
>>>>>>>>> Gudehaus) about moving some classes in to the public API so that TestFX (a
>>>>>>>>> JavaFX UI testing framework) can continue to work with future JDK releases.
>>>>>>>>> The somewhat nicely formatted proposal can be found as a Github gist:
>>>>>>>>> All suggested changes can be found by using Github Compare View:
>>>>>>>>> e1f4f1cb8f20430feaa53b6...master
>>>>>>>>> But I have copied it to this email for convenience:
>>>>>>>>> ----------------------- PROPOSAL -----------------------
>>>>>>>>> TestFX, the JavaFX GUI testing framework currently requires 4 (four)
>>>>>>>>> classes that are part of the JDK's private API. They are:
>>>>>>>>> [](
>>>>>>>>> enjfx/10-dev/rt/file/tip/modules/
>>>>>>>>> java/com/sun/glass/ui/
>>>>>>>>> [](
>>>>>>>>> /10-dev/rt/file/tip/modules/
>>>>>>>>> com/sun/glass/ui/
>>>>>>>>> [](
>>>>>>>>> 10-dev/rt/file/tip/modules/
>>>>>>>>> /sun/glass/ui/
>>>>>>>>> [com.sun.javafx.application.ParametersImpl](
>>>>>>>>> graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/javafx/application/ <>)
>>>>>>>>> In order to compile the project with Java 9, we use the following flags:
>>>>>>>>> ```sh
>>>>>>>>> --add-exports
>>>>>>>>> --add-exports
>>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>>> If the --add-exports flags are disabled in a future Java release TestFX
>>>>>>>>> will require these four classes to be moved into the public API to
>>>>>>>>> continue working.
>>>>>>>>> While these classes are probably not very useful for applications to use
>>>>>>>>> directly, any JavaFX application wanting to write UI tests will most
>>>>>>>>> likely
>>>>>>>>> use TestFX and thus they will indirectly be using these classes.
>>>>>>>>> JavaFX internal tests also use these classes for essentially the same
>>>>>>>>> purpose (UI tests).
>>>>>>>>> ### Details of Usage For Each Private API Class
>>>>>>>>> #### com.sun.javafx.application.ParametersImpl
>>>>>>>>> ##### TestFX Usage
>>>>>>>>> ```java
>>>>>>>>> ParametersImpl parameters = new ParametersImpl(applicationArgs);
>>>>>>>>> ParametersImpl.registerParameters(application, parameters);
>>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>>> The parameters are set on a constructed Application.
>>>>>>>>> ##### Suggested Public API Replacement
>>>>>>>>> `javafx.application.Application`:
>>>>>>>>> ```java
>>>>>>>>> /**
>>>>>>>>>  * Sets the parameters for this Application.
>>>>>>>>>  *
>>>>>>>>>  * <p>
>>>>>>>>>  * NOTE: this method should not be called from the Application
>>>>>>>>> constructor,
>>>>>>>>>  * as it will return null. It may be called in the init() method or any
>>>>>>>>>  * time after that.
>>>>>>>>>  * </p>
>>>>>>>>>  *
>>>>>>>>>  * @param parameters the parameters to set for this Application
>>>>>>>>>  */
>>>>>>>>> public final Parameters setParameters(String... parameters) {
>>>>>>>>>     ParametersImpl parameters = new ParametersImpl(parameters);
>>>>>>>>>     ParametersImpl.registerParameters(this, parameters);
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>>> ####
>>>>>>>>> ##### TestFX Usage
>>>>>>>>> ```java
>>>>>>>>> return Application.GetApplication().createRobot();
>>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>>> The Application class is used to instantiate a Robot.
>>>>>>>>> ##### Suggested Public API Replacement
>>>>>>>>> `javafx.application.Application`:
>>>>>>>>> ####
>>>>>>>>> ##### TestFX Usage
>>>>>>>>> ```java
>>>>>>>>> @Override
>>>>>>>>> public Image getCaptureRegion(Rectangle2D region) {
>>>>>>>>>     return waitForAsyncFx(RETRIEVAL_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS, () -> {
>>>>>>>>>         Pixels glassPixels = useRobot().getScreenCapture(
>>>>>>>>>             (int) region.getMinX(), (int) region.getMinY(),
>>>>>>>>>             (int) region.getWidth(), (int) region.getHeight()
>>>>>>>>>         );
>>>>>>>>>         return convertFromGlassPixels(glassPixels);
>>>>>>>>>     });
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> private Image convertFromGlassPixels(Pixels glassPixels) {
>>>>>>>>>     int width = glassPixels.getWidth();
>>>>>>>>>     int height = glassPixels.getHeight();
>>>>>>>>>     WritableImage image = new WritableImage(width, height);
>>>>>>>>>     int bytesPerComponent = glassPixels.getBytesPerComponent();
>>>>>>>>>     if (bytesPerComponent == INT_BUFFER_BYTES_PER_COMPONENT) {
>>>>>>>>>         IntBuffer intBuffer = (IntBuffer) glassPixels.getPixels();
>>>>>>>>>         writeIntBufferToImage(intBuffer, image);
>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>>     return image;
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> private void writeIntBufferToImage(IntBuffer intBuffer,
>>>>>>>>>                                    WritableImage image) {
>>>>>>>>>     PixelWriter pixelWriter = image.getPixelWriter();
>>>>>>>>>     double width = image.getWidth();
>>>>>>>>>     double height = image.getHeight();
>>>>>>>>>     for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
>>>>>>>>>         for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
>>>>>>>>>             int argb = intBuffer.get();
>>>>>>>>>             pixelWriter.setArgb(x, y, argb);
>>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>>> Pixels is used to create a screen capture.
>>>>>>>>> ##### Suggested Public API Replacement
>>>>>>>>> Bypass needing to expose the Pixels class to the public API by
>>>>>>>>> changing the getScreenCapture method of Robot - that is, changing:
>>>>>>>>> `public Pixels getScreenCapture(int x, int y, int width, int height)`
>>>>>>>>> to:
>>>>>>>>> `public Image getScreenCapture(int x, int y, int width, int height)`
>>>>>>>>> ####
>>>>>>>>> ##### TestFX Usage
>>>>>>>>> Essentially every method of Robot is used:
>>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>>> public void keyPress(int code)
>>>>>>>>> public void keyRelease(int code)
>>>>>>>>> public int getMouseX()
>>>>>>>>> public int getMouseY()
>>>>>>>>> public void mouseMove(int x, int y)
>>>>>>>>> public void mousePress(int buttons)
>>>>>>>>> public void mouseRelease(int buttons)
>>>>>>>>> public void mouseWheel(int wheelAmt)
>>>>>>>>> public int getPixelColor(int x, int y)
>>>>>>>>> public Pixels getScreenCapture(int x, int y, int width, int height)
>>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>>> ##### Suggested Public API Replacement
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Michael Ennen
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Michael Ennen
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Michael Ennen
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Michael Ennen
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Michael Ennen
>>>>> --
>>>>> Michael Ennen
>>>> --
>>>> Michael Ennen
>>> --
>>> Michael Ennen
>> --
>> Michael Ennen
> --
> Michael Ennen

Michael Ennen

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