[11] RFR JDK-8202199 : Provide public, unsupported API for FX Swing interop

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed May 9 14:48:50 UTC 2018

On 09/05/2018 15:42, Philip Race wrote:
> :
> Qn. to Mandy & Alan : it seems there is no need to mention this module
> in make/common/Modules.gmk in order to get it built, but is there any
> advantage in doing so ? I mean without it, there is no conscious 
> listing of
> it as a module nor classification of it.
Right, it's not necessary to list modules that are defined to the 
application class loader and are only in the JDK image. There's a 
comment at the top of the make file on this but it probably could be a 
bit clearer.


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