OpenJFX status update

Ty Young youngty1997 at
Wed May 16 06:57:26 UTC 2018

> 3. JavaFX has been removed from JDK 11 as of this week. Starting with 
> jdk-11+14, early access builds of JDK 11 will not include JavaFX.
> 4. After jdk-11+14 is posted on, and FX is no longer included 
> in JDK 11, we will start using openjfx-11 as the fix version in JBS to 
> distinguish it from JDK 11. We still expect to do a release of JavaFX 
> 11 around the same time as JDK 11, but using a different release 
> number will help track the actual content of JavaFX 11 separately from 
> JDK 11.

I'm not sure if it's intentional or perhaps a bug on my end, but I 
cannot compile JavaFX without Oracle JDK(9 or 10). Attempting to do so 
with a self compiled JDK with JavaFX support results in a build fail 
while doing it without JavaFX entirely results in a fail due to 
Observable classes being missing.

Is Oracle JDK a requirement for building JavaFX currently or is this 
just some weird bug with my compiled JDK?

And could the new standalone modules be integrated with the source code 
somehow so that a JDK without JavaFX support can be compiled?

> 5. Once this settles down, possibly later this week, I hope to restart 
> the discussion about OpenJFX policies, etc. I also hope to be a bit 
> more responsive over the coming days / weeks than I have been for the 
> last 3-4 weeks. Getting the standalone OpenJFX working and removing 
> JavaFX from the JDK was quite time consuming as you can probably imagine.
> If you have any general comments or questions about any of this, 
> please reply to this thread. We may want to split out more detailed 
> discussions into their own thread to make it easier to follow.

As I wrote before and am still having issues with, after a successful 
first compile, JavaFX no longer compiles in Arch Linux for me. Any 
attempt to do so results in a bunch of warning messages(see: which cause the build to fail due to 
warnings being treated as errors(Should they even be ignored?). In 
addition. I'm now getting a GCC warning about XIMProc returning an int 
when it should return void (*). I don't know C or the native APIs so 
right now I'm at a loss of what to do besides trying to compile on 
another distro - which is something I *really* would prefer not to have 
to do.

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