Can't load fxml on Macos

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at
Tue Oct 20 12:31:00 UTC 2020

Well, you don't give a enough information (no stacktrace, no context, ...).

If you have reproducable code please share it (with the current 
information provided I highly doubt this is an issue in Java/JavaFX).


Am 20.10.20 um 12:28 schrieb Davide Perini:
> Hi all,
> this code works well on both Windows and Linux running Java 15 on JavaFX 
> 15.
> FXMLLoader fxmlLoader =new FXMLLoader(GUIManager.class.getResource( fxml 
> + Constants.FXML)); return fxmlLoader.load();
> It doesn't work on Macos returning a nullpointer exception.
> Any idea? Why Macos is always the black sheep?
> Thanks
> Davide

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