Can't load fxml on Macos

Michael Paus mp at
Tue Oct 20 12:12:48 UTC 2020

With so little information nobody will be able to answer your question
and I am pretty sure that not macOS is the black sheep here.
Such questions are also better posted on Stackoverflow and not here on
the OpenJFX development mailing list.

Am 20.10.20 um 12:28 schrieb Davide Perini:
> Hi all,
> this code works well on both Windows and Linux running Java 15 on 
> JavaFX 15.
> FXMLLoader fxmlLoader =new FXMLLoader(GUIManager.class.getResource( 
> fxml + Constants.FXML)); return fxmlLoader.load();
> It doesn't work on Macos returning a nullpointer exception.
> Any idea? Why Macos is always the black sheep?
> Thanks
> Davide

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