Make javafx.controls open and community-driven

Julian Jupiter at
Wed Feb 3 05:11:50 UTC 2021

Desktop is already a smaller market compared before. And the competition
has become toucher because of several toolkits out there - Electron,
Flutter, Compose for Desktop, etc. Hence, the need for more open and
community-driven JavaFX project.

On Wed, Feb 3, 2021, 12:14 PM Ty Young, <youngty1997 at> wrote:

> On 2/2/21 8:16 PM, Nir Lisker wrote:
> > Hi Mike,
> >
> > First of all, I would have you consider revisiting your medical
> observation
> > on the state of JavaFX. If you've read the almost-weekly recurrent
> threads
> > of "should I use Swing or JavaFX" in r/Java, you'd realize that reports
> of
> > JavaFX's death are greatly exaggerated. But yes, it is very understaffed.
> > Other than that, there is a discussion list,
> > openjfx-discuss at, where you can bring up general
> community
> > and social media related topics and continue that branch of the
> discussion
> > there.
> >
> > 1. I also advocated for having JBS more open in the past. I was told that
> > Oracle tried opening JBS for everyone, but it was a big mess. I
> > remember Alan Bateman saying a few years ago in an Ask The Architect
> > session, when he was asked about this, that more than half of the bugs
> > submitted are about OpenGL in Minecraft. These are the things you don't
> see
> > from the outside.
> I'm guessing some of those are the OpenGL segfault crash on exit that
> affects (nearly?) *every* OpenGL based Java application for the last few
> years, including JavaFX and Minecraft, on Nvidia hardware. I have to
> clear out my build directory often because of it.
> > As for the OCA, it is a license requirement for all of OpenJDK. The
> > developers here have nothing to do with it. I suspect you will have to
> take
> > it up with the legal department of Oracle. Good luck :)
> >
> OCA is more of a symptom of a larger problem IMO: gate keeping.
> A long time ago I suggested a 1-liner change to JavaFX's build script
> that would simply place the source zip generated with the JavaFX source
> build *outside* the lib folder. Generating this zip inside the lib
> folder caused runtime problems with Ant and Netbeans whenever you
> designated the entire folder as a lib directory in a project and it
> didn't make sense anyway. It was rejected, IIRC, because of Oracle's or
> Gluon's server configuration issues with the change. There were no
> issues doing a local build that I'm aware of when I tested the change
> locally.
> More recently,  Oracle decided to break Swing applications that use the
> GTK L&F on Arch Linux based distros in JDK 16, was notified of the issue
> multiple times by multiple people, and AFAIK refused to revert the
> changes simply because Arch Linux isn't a "supported" distro. AFAIK,
> it's still not possible to even launch Netbeans on Arch Linux without
> overriding the L&F.
> Even more recently, I suggested (and was willing to actually do) what I
> thought to be reasonable API changes to Project Panama, which I use in
> my JavaFX application,  were rejected because it was decided a year ago
> behind closed doors discussions that the direction of that API part was
> already decided. Not only that, but the ability to even have a public
> discussion was basically shut down.
> Someone has to be that person to make the decisions in the end, but
> often times it feels like free outsourcing rather than contributing. One
> moment it's "You should contribute!" and the next it's "No, I didn't
> mean contribute *that* way!".
> Anyway, this is a much larger issue that goes beyond JavaFX and I don't
> want to derail, I'm just pointing out that not only when someone
> suggests reasonable changes and fixes or, better yet(by far!), is
> willing to make those changes, they are denied the ability to do so
> because of reasons that person could not possibly be aware of.

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