Not really a nice comment but a real issue?

Tom Eugelink tbee at
Fri Mar 19 14:50:45 UTC 2021

A good feature during development is not necessarily a good feature during production, especially if it (apparently) has a significant performance impact.

But I see your point.

On 19-3-2021 15:32, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
> Hi
> I actually totally disagree with his conclusion.
> In fact, I'd say, that's one of the hidden gems of JavaFX!
> Check out CSSFX and this video
> to understand the advantages of this feature (ScenicView has also
> integrated CSSFX to take advantage of this).
> Think about the productivity boost of tweaking your UI at runtime and not
> having to go through the cycle: tweak UI -> compile -> run -> (No that's
> not it) -> close app -> tweak UI again -> compile again -> run again -> (No
> that's not it again) -> [repeat till infinity]
> Also think about the potential for adding tools that build on top of this
> feature. Tools like firebug or features from Chrome developer tools, etc,
> that they use on the web to debug / tweak UIs during runtime.
> Cheers,
>> On 19-3-2021 14:29, Clement Levallois wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just came across this blog post which complains about a badly
>> implemented stream reader in JavaFX. The general tone is not nice, but I
>> figured this could be useful to the developers maintaining this area:
>>> Best regards,
>>> Clement
>>> PS: I landed on this blog post because I was searching for some pointers
>> on a coding problem I have with JavaFX Service / Task, which might or might
>> not involve inputStreams. I share it here:
>>> --
>>> Cl?ment Levallois
>>> Associate Professor
>>> emlyon business school
>>> Twitter and Skype: @seinecle
>>> mobile: +33(0)6 59 08 33 92
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