Not really a nice comment but a real issue?

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Fri Mar 19 15:03:19 UTC 2021

This isn't something we'd change anyway without a lot of discussion; 
almost certainly we would leave the current behavior as the default, and 
provide an "opt out" for applications that prefer to do so.

As for the performance problem, ignoring the tone of the blog and the 
fact that the point is blown out of proportion, the lack of buffering in 
this case is clearly a bug, which I just filed as JDK-8263875 [1].

Clement: regarding the issue about using and InputStream with JavaFX 
Service / Task: it sounds like it might be a bug, so if you have a 
complete test program, can you file a bug at ?

-- Kevin


On 3/19/2021 7:32 AM, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
> Hi
> I actually totally disagree with his conclusion.
> In fact, I'd say, that's one of the hidden gems of JavaFX!
> Check out CSSFX and this video
> to understand the advantages of this feature (ScenicView has also
> integrated CSSFX to take advantage of this).
> Think about the productivity boost of tweaking your UI at runtime and not
> having to go through the cycle: tweak UI -> compile -> run -> (No that's
> not it) -> close app -> tweak UI again -> compile again -> run again -> (No
> that's not it again) -> [repeat till infinity]
> Also think about the potential for adding tools that build on top of this
> feature. Tools like firebug or features from Chrome developer tools, etc,
> that they use on the web to debug / tweak UIs during runtime.
> Cheers,
>> On 19-3-2021 14:29, Clement Levallois wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just came across this blog post which complains about a badly
>> implemented stream reader in JavaFX. The general tone is not nice, but I
>> figured this could be useful to the developers maintaining this area:
>>> Best regards,
>>> Clement
>>> PS: I landed on this blog post because I was searching for some pointers
>> on a coding problem I have with JavaFX Service / Task, which might or might
>> not involve inputStreams. I share it here:
>>> --
>>> Cl?ment Levallois
>>> Associate Professor
>>> emlyon business school
>>> Twitter and Skype: @seinecle
>>> mobile: +33(0)6 59 08 33 92
>>> Sent with [ProtonMail]( Secure Email.

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