RichTextArea: API Review

Andy Goryachev andy.goryachev at
Fri Aug 2 19:41:00 UTC 2024

Dear fellow developers:

Thank you for the early feedback on the RichTextArea proposal [0].

We are moving to the next phase by submitting the public pull request [1].  The main goal is to include the new control in an incubating module [8], hopefully in jfx24, as a means of putting non-final API in the hands of developers while the API and implementation progress towards either finalization or removal in a future release.

For your convenience, two test applications are provided - RichTextAreaDemoApp and CodeAreaDemoApp which demonstrate the new controls with a number of different models.  In addition to these two testers, please check out a simple standalone rich text editor application, RichEditorDemoApp,

We would encourage anyone - the javafx developers, and especially the application developers, to take a look at the public API [3].  It's probably less important at this stage to do a deep code review of the implementation, but we would certainly appreciate and welcome your code review comments.

Thank you in advance,


[0] Proposal:

[1] Pull request:

[2] Discussion points:

[3] API specification (javadoc):

[4] CSS Reference:

[5] Behavior doc:

[6] RichTextArea RFE:

[7] Previous (now obsolete) draft pull request:

[8] Incubator module JEP:

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