RFR: 8301121: RichTextArea Control (Incubator) [v61]

Kevin Rushforth kcr at openjdk.org
Thu Dec 12 20:03:04 UTC 2024

On Wed, 11 Dec 2024 21:34:49 GMT, Andy Goryachev <angorya at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Incubating a new feature - rich text control, **RichTextArea**, intended to bridge the functional gap with Swing and its StyledEditorKit/JEditorPane. The main design goal is to provide a control that is complete enough to be useful out-of-the box, as well as open to extension by the application developers.
>> This is a complex feature with a large API surface that would be nearly impossible to get right the first time, even after an extensive review. We are, therefore, introducing this in an incubating module, **jfx.incubator.richtext**. This will allow us to evolve the API in future releases without the strict compatibility constraints that other JavaFX modules have.
>> Please check out two manual test applications - one for RichTextArea (**RichTextAreaDemoApp**) and one for the CodeArea (**CodeAreaDemoApp**). Also, a small example provides a standalone rich text editor, see **RichEditorDemoApp**.
>> Because it's an incubating module, please focus on the public APIs rather than implementation.  There **will be** changes to the implementation once/if the module is promoted to the core by popular demand.  The goal of the incubator is to let the app developers try the new feature out. 
>> **References**
>> - Proposal: https://github.com/andy-goryachev-oracle/Test/blob/main/doc/RichTextArea/RichTextArea.md
>> - Discussion points: https://github.com/andy-goryachev-oracle/Test/blob/main/doc/RichTextArea/RichTextAreaDiscussion.md
>> - API specification (javadoc): https://cr.openjdk.org/~angorya/RichTextArea/javadoc
>> - RichTextArea RFE: https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8301121
>> - Behavior doc: https://github.com/andy-goryachev-oracle/jfx/blob/8301121.RichTextArea/doc-files/behavior/RichTextAreaBehavior.md
>> - CSS Reference: https://cr.openjdk.org/~angorya/RichTextArea/javadoc/javafx.graphics/javafx/scene/doc-files/cssref.html
>> - InputMap (v3): https://github.com/andy-goryachev-oracle/Test/blob/main/doc/InputMap/InputMapV3.md
>> - Previous Draft PR: https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/pull/1374
> Andy Goryachev has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a merge or a rebase. The pull request now contains 83 commits:
>  - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 8301121.RichTextArea
>  - legal
>  - unicode license
>  - add handler
>  - review comments
>  - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 8301121.RichTextArea
>  - clamp
>  - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 8301121.RichTextArea
>  - review comments
>  - review comments
>  - ... and 73 more: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/compare/b76c05b9...e5814b21

Here are some more API doc comments, and a few API naming suggestions.

modules/jfx.incubator.input/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/input/InputMap.java line 71:

> 69:  * When such a mapping exists, the found function tag is matched to a function registered either by
> 70:  * the application or by the skin.
> 71:  * This mechanism allows for customizing the key mappings and the underlying functions independently and separately.

Additionally, the `register(KeyBinding,Runnable)` method allows mapping to a function directly, bypassing the function tag. You probably want to document this. You might also say that a `KeyBinding` is only mapped to a single value: either a FunctionTag or a Runnable (last one wins).

modules/jfx.incubator.input/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/input/InputMap.java line 102:

> 100: 
> 101:     /**
> 102:      * Adds an event handler for the specified event type, at the control level.

Minor: The phrase "at the control level" seems redundant (and a little awkward), since this is the input map for the control.

modules/jfx.incubator.input/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/input/InputMap.java line 279:

> 277: 
> 278:     /**
> 279:      * Unbinds the specified key binding.

There is a lack of symmetry in the name (also, we generally use "unbind" when talking about property bindings). Since "register" is used to create a mapping from a `KeyBinding` to a `FunctionTag` or `Runnable`, maybe rename this to "unregister"?

For that matter, what is the practical difference between this and `restoreDefaultKeyBinding(KeyBinding)`?

modules/jfx.incubator.input/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/input/InputMap.java line 363:

> 361:      */
> 362:     // TODO this should not affect the skin input map, but perhaps place NULL for each found KeyBinding
> 363:     public void unbind(FunctionTag tag) {

This needs a different name than the other "unbind" method since the semantics are quite different. Since this removes all key bindings for a given function tag, I recommend renaming it to `removeKeyBindingsFor`, which goes nicely with `getKeyBindingsFor`.

And shouldn't there be an `unregisterFunction(FunctionTag)` method that is the inverse of `registerFunction(FunctionTag, Runnable)`? Or is that what `restoreDefaultFunction(FunctionTag)` does already?

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/RichTextArea.java line 168:

> 166:      * {@link  InputMap#register(jfx.incubator.scene.control.input.KeyBinding, FunctionHandler)}.
> 167:      */
> 168:     public static class Tags {

Should this be `Tag` instead of `Tags`? Each instance is a single `FunctionTag`.

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/RichTextArea.java line 523:

> 521: 
> 522:     /**
> 523:      * Indicates whether this RichTextArea can be edited by the user, provided the model is also editable.

Minor: "model is also _writable_ ..."

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/RichTextArea.java line 1114:

> 1112:      * possibly breaking up the grapheme clusters.
> 1113:      * <p>
> 1114:      * This method does nothing if either the control or the model is not editable,

Minor: "does nothing if the control is not editable  or the model is not writable" (here and in other places in this file)

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/ContentChange.java line 108:

> 106:     /**
> 107:      * Determines whether the change is an edit (true) or affects styling only (false).
> 108:      * @return true if change affects stylint only

This is backwards. Also, you spelled "styling" wrong, but since you need to remove it anyway, that problem will go away.

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/RichParagraph.java line 216:

> 214:          * @return this {@code Builder} instance
> 215:          */
> 216:         public Builder addSquiggly(int start, int length, Color color) {

We need a better name.

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/RichTextModel.java line 132:

> 130:     @Override
> 131:     protected void insertParagraph(int index, Supplier<Region> generator) {
> 132:         // TODO

What is the implication of not having implemented this yet?

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/RichTextModel.java line 182:

> 180:     // TODO remove later
> 181:     @Deprecated
> 182:     public static void dump(StyledTextModel model, PrintStream out) {

It's time to remove this.

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/RtfFormatHandler.java line 48:

> 46: public class RtfFormatHandler extends DataFormatHandler {
> 47:     /** The singleton instance of {@code RtfFormatHandler}. */
> 48:     public static final RtfFormatHandler INSTANCE = new RtfFormatHandler();

A better pattern is to provide a static `getInstance()` getter rather than making the singleton field itself public. That's what we do elsewhere in the API. This applies to the other subclasses as well.

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/SimpleViewOnlyStyledModel.java line 63:

> 61: 
> 62:     /**
> 63:      * Creates the model from the supplied text string by breaking it down into individual text segments.

Breaking it down, how? Splitting on newline characters? If so, then say that.

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/SimpleViewOnlyStyledModel.java line 68:

> 66:      * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
> 67:      */
> 68:     public static SimpleViewOnlyStyledModel from(String text) throws IOException {

Would "of" be a better method name?

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/SimpleViewOnlyStyledModel.java line 96:

> 94:     /**
> 95:      * Appends a text segment to the last paragraph.
> 96:      * The {@code text} cannot contain newline ({@code \n}) symbols.

What if it does contain newline chars? Does it throw an Exception? is the newline ignored? Something else?

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/SimpleViewOnlyStyledModel.java line 194:

> 192:      * @return this model instance
> 193:      */
> 194:     public SimpleViewOnlyStyledModel squiggly(int start, int length, Color c) {

We need a netter name than "squiggly". CSS uses "wavy", so maybe "wavyUnderline"?

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/SimpleViewOnlyStyledModel.java line 414:

> 412:          * @param color the background color
> 413:          */
> 414:         void addSquiggly(int start, int length, Color color) {

Need a better name.

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/StyledTextModel.java line 119:

> 117:      * {@code undo()},
> 118:      * {@code redo()}
> 119:      * methods, i.e. editing via UI.

Either spell out the `i.e` as "`that is,`" or change it to a parenthetical comment. As it is, the first sentence is truncated after the "i.e".

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/StyledTextModel.java line 124:

> 122:      * and fire the change events as a response, for example, to changes in its backing data storage.
> 123:      *
> 124:      * @return true if the model supports content modifications via the UI

It isn't just UI operations that cannot be done here, right?

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/StyledTextModel.java line 138:

> 136:      * Returns the plain text string for the specified paragraph.  The returned text string cannot be null
> 137:      * and must not contain any control characters other than TAB.
> 138:      * The caller should never attempt to ask for a paragraph outside of the valid range.

Would it be better to specify an IOOBE?

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/StyledTextModel.java line 150:

> 148:      *
> 149:      * @param index paragraph index in the range (0...{@link #size()})
> 150:      * @return a new instance of TextCell created

Typo: this doesn't return a TextCell. Also, does it really always create a "new instance"? The description implies that it may or may not return a new instance.

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/StyledTextModel.java line 223:

> 221:     /**
> 222:      * Returns the {@link StyleAttributeMap} of the first character at the specified position.
> 223:      * When at the end of the document, returns the attributes of the last character.

I don't know what you mean by "first" in "the first character at the specified position". Shouldn't this just be "the character at the specified position"?

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/StyledTextModel.java line 370:

> 368:      * @return supported formats
> 369:      */
> 370:     public final DataFormat[] getSupportedDataFormats(boolean forExport) {

Would a List be better here?

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/StyledTextModel.java line 443:

> 441:     /**
> 442:      * Exports the stream of {@code StyledSegment}s in the given range to the specified
> 443:      * {@code StyledOutput}.

Does it close the stream?

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/StyledTextModel.java line 841:

> 839:      * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the model is not {@link #isWritable() writable}
> 840:      */
> 841:     public final TextPos[] undo(StyleResolver resolver) {

Should this be a List?

modules/jfx.incubator.richtext/src/main/java/jfx/incubator/scene/control/richtext/model/StyledTextModelViewOnlyBase.java line 46:

> 44: 
> 45:     @Override
> 46:     public final boolean isWritable() {

Consider adding a javadoc comment saying that this always returns false.


PR Review: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#pullrequestreview-2493615952
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882471175
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882445317
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882491871
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882504267
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882592809
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882610654
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882612646
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882802145
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882713468
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882771077
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882769846
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882790081
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882660242
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882719757
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882662445
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882704457
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882712259
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882646685
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882734264
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882730692
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882727781
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882738554
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882742703
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882745332
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882752787
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1524#discussion_r1882652057

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