Proposal: RichTextArea Control (Incubator)

Thiago Milczarek Sayão thiago.sayao at
Fri Feb 23 15:03:26 UTC 2024

This is a good point, Martin.

I would expect the JavaFX RTA to be basic, but extendable - to allow
companies to offer commercial options for particular needs based on it. I
don't see a single RTA component that would be useful for every need.

Use case examples (that I could think of):
- An IDE code editor;
- A text message writer/viewer that would have emoticons, gifs;
- Maybe a collaborative app where multiple users write;

-- Thiago

Em sex., 23 de fev. de 2024 às 10:31, Martin Desruisseaux <
martin.desruisseaux at> escreveu:

> Le 2024-02-23 à 13 h 34, Johan Vos a écrit :
> That is not to say that we should not do anything. On the contrary, I'd
> love it if we could do more. But in the right place. Stability and basic
> features inside OpenJFX, experiments and libraries in the ecosystem.
> JavaFX could have a "basic" Rich Text Area (RTA) for common needs such as
> syntax coloration, underlining errors, etc., and external projects such as
> Gluon could have more sophisticated controls for more advanced needs. I
> would appreciate a lot to have a Rich Text Area included in JavaFX for
> "basic" needs, because it would avoid adding another dependency. I'm always
> very reluctant to do the latter, because few projects are economical in
> their own dependencies. Many projects bring ton of dependencies, often
> outdated, often conflicting with other projects bringing different versions
> of the same dependencies.
> So I do not see a JavaFX RTA and a Gluon RTA as mutually exclusive. I
> would use the JavaFX one for e.g., syntax coloration, and if I need
> something more advanced I would look at the alternatives. This is the same
> situation as other controls such as DatePicker or ColorPicker: they are
> sufficient for "basic" needs, more elaborated alternatives may exist in
> other projects.
>     Martin
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