Proposal: RichTextArea Control (Incubator)

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at
Fri Feb 23 13:31:39 UTC 2024

Le 2024-02-23 à 13 h 34, Johan Vos a écrit :

> That is not to say that we should not do anything. On the contrary, 
> I'd love it if we could do more. But in the right place. Stability and 
> basic features inside OpenJFX, experiments and libraries in the ecosystem.
JavaFX could have a "basic" Rich Text Area (RTA) for common needs such 
as syntax coloration, underlining errors, etc., and external projects 
such as Gluon could have more sophisticated controls for more advanced 
needs. I would appreciate a lot to have a Rich Text Area included in 
JavaFX for "basic" needs, because it would avoid adding another 
dependency. I'm always very reluctant to do the latter, because few 
projects are economical in their own dependencies. Many projects bring 
ton of dependencies, often outdated, often conflicting with other 
projects bringing different versions of the same dependencies.

So I do not see a JavaFX RTA and a Gluon RTA as mutually exclusive. I 
would use the JavaFX one for e.g., syntax coloration, and if I need 
something more advanced I would look at the alternatives. This is the 
same situation as other controls such as DatePicker or ColorPicker: they 
are sufficient for "basic" needs, more elaborated alternatives may exist 
in other projects.


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