Platform preferences theme detection

Christopher Schnick crschnick at
Tue Jan 30 12:17:50 UTC 2024

Alright I will try out the new ea release once the fix is integrated. 
Other than that, everything works fine for me so far with observing 
colors using the platform-specific strings.

As a side note, I think the community would have caught this issue 
earlier if there were more frequent maven releases of ea builds. As of 
right now, the only way to properly use recent ea features is 
downloading the jars and jmods manually from the site, 
which is cumbersome. I don't know how much of the maven release pipeline 
is automated and how much work more frequent ea releases would be, but 
it would definitely help with early testing and adoption.

On 1/29/2024 11:09 PM, Michael Strauß wrote:
> I see that the names of the platform mappings defined in 
> WinApplication::getPlatformKeyMappings() are simply wrong 
> ("Windows.UIColor.ForegroundColor" instead of 
> "Windows.UIColor.Foreground"), so the platform mappings are not 
> applied to the properties.
> That's quite surprising, and it's a change that must have slipped into 
> the feature at a very late stage during development, so that it went 
> unnoticed by all reviewers.
> I'll file a bug and prepare a fix for this issue.
> On Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 10:45 PM Christopher Schnick 
> <crschnick at> wrote:
>     Hello Michael,
>     I took a look at the implementation and tried to find the issue.
>     From what I can see, the mappings returned are correct:
>     but it seems like they are somehow not applied the
>     PreferencesProperties:
>     Let me know whether I can help with anything to debug this issue.
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