Scene 3D objects throw exception on Android devices
Nir Lisker
nlisker at
Fri Nov 15 19:14:13 UTC 2024
This is a question for Gluon, not OpenJFX, as JavaFXPorts and the newer
Gluon client are not part of JavaFX (it's the other way around). I suggest
StackOverflow, they are active there.
I can tell you that JavaFXPorts was EOL years ago. Also that the MBOX might
not have a pipeline with 3D support (in JavaFX it's a ConditionalFeature),
so that's why it might be failing. You might have some luck with setting
the pipeline to the software (SW) pipeline.
On Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 5:14 PM Ashley Hales <ashley.hales at>
> Hi,
> I posted a thread some time ago about Scene 3D objects causing a error when
> they try to create the shader. At the time I was advised to recompile the
> project using the new Gluon library rather than JavaFXPorts. I have now
> done this but the result is not compatible with my device. I have found
> that the Gluon project works fine on a Motorola device running Android 13
> and the JavaFXPorts project works on an old Samsung device running Android
> 4.4.2. However the Gluon project won't even install on my intended target
> device, which is an MBOX running Android 6.0.1, but the JavaFXPorts project
> installs fine but throws 'java.lang.RuntimeException: Error creating
> shader
> program' on the MBOX. I have found that the MBOX will run projects not
> containing any 3D objects, for example the two sample projects included in
> the Dalvik SDK - Ensemble8 and HelloAndroid - work fine. Is there any way
> around this using the JavaFXPorts technology as this has produced the best
> results? When I try to do a push install to the MBOX using ADB it gives
> an
> error of 'Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS]'. My searches online
> indicate that this may be due to the version of the NDK it was compiled
> with
> but I have found that the project only seems to compile with the Android 21
> NDK.
> Thanks for your help,
> Ashley
> --
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