How to force animation

Giuseppe Barbieri elect86 at
Thu Dec 20 13:09:23 UTC 2018

Using *glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteri* it looks like there is no
depth attachment on the bound framebuffer, that's why..

Also, it's upside down

Il giorno gio 20 dic 2018 alle ore 13:53 Giuseppe Barbieri <
elect86 at> ha scritto:

> I guess I made it, I bypassed the `if(dirty)` in `Scene.pulse()`. Together
> with the AnimationTimer seems working great
> Now I need to figure it out why the depth test appears to be disabled
> althought I explicitely call
> glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)
> Before my gears rendering..
> Il giorno gio 20 dic 2018 alle ore 12:52 Giuseppe Barbieri <
> elect86 at> ha scritto:
>> It seems it doesnt work, I keep getting updates only when I enter/exit
>> the button on top:
>> To better clarify: I'd like an animation that would call
>> `ViewPainter.doPaint()` every pulse
>> Any idea how I may achieve this?
>> PS: in case you may want to try it personally, projects are available at:
>> -
>> - (hello gears.kt)
>> Il giorno mer 19 dic 2018 alle ore 13:43 Zsolt Kúti <la.tinca at>
>> ha scritto:
>>> Create animation by extending AnimationTimer and call its start() method
>>> to begin animation.
>>> On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 11:18 AM Giuseppe Barbieri <elect86 at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm injecting external rendering code and I'd like to know how I may
>>>> force
>>>> animation without having to declare some dummy objects, such as a Circle
>>>> combined with a TranslateTransition
>>>> I tried to modify the `QuantumToolkit.postPulse()` to force calling
>>>> Application.invokeLater(pulseRunnable);
>>>> but for some reasons it doesnt work
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Giuseppe

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