The case for WebGL support

John-Val Rose johnvalrose at
Sat Oct 13 02:19:07 UTC 2018

I know I have mentioned this numerous times but maybe this list is the best
place to discuss this particular (missing) feature.

For our needs, there are so many reasons why we could really benefit from
WebGL support even if, as I've also said before, it were only to enable
Google Maps to work in "full" mode.

What do others think about this?  Am I the only one who feels the need for
WebGL as a *priority* feature?

Yes, I do understand that it's not as simple as just "turning it on" and
does open-up the even larger discussion about JavaFX supporting all the
major graphics APIs like OpenGL, Direct3D, Metal & Vulkan.

So, can we discuss this?  I would really like to get responses from people
who have opinions on the merits of WebGL support and also anyone who has
the skills/knowledge to best suggest a means of getting this feature


John-Val Rose
Chief Scientist/Architect
Rosethorn Technology

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