JDK-8092297: Implement Serializable in Properties

Pavel Kasotov pavelkasotov at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 11:11:58 UTC 2018

Hi all,

I suggest to increase the priority of the issue JDK-8092297. My 
suggestion I explain
this way - without possibility to serialize Properties it is rather 
difficult to use JavaFX
for enterprise applications that in most cases use a client-server 

For example, there is a RMI client and a server and from the server we 
need to pass
some User. In order we could do it we need User were serializable. If we 
to use JavaFX we would like to do the following:

class User implements Serializable {

         private final StringProperty name = new SimpleStringProperty();

However it won't work because properties are not serializable. So, we 
have two workarounds:
1) implement writeObject() and readObject()
2) make User with String and implement UserAdapter

Both ways are not good because they require a lot of manual work and 
make solution more

Best regards, Pavel

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