OpenJFX versions - will they always track to JDK versions?

Peter Monks pmonks at
Thu Oct 25 14:07:26 UTC 2018

Thanks Tom.

That thread seems to somewhat conflate two different topics:
1. JDK version(s) required to build OpenJFX
2. JDK version(s) required to run OpenJFX

As a consumer of OpenJFX, I am primarily interested in #2, and this paragraph from the thread [1] approximates my preference:

“To be clear, I'm not that concerned about breaking compatibility with older versions of the JDK because of API updates/introductions/removals or new, better tools being introduced. I'm more concerned about backwards compatibility being broken for stupid reasons like new lazy  language updates that have no actual value or can be done with older compatible ways”

i.e. it would be ideal if newer versions of OpenJFX continued to function on older versions of the JDK, where that doesn’t functionally cripple OpenJFX

I don’t see a definitive answer to my question in that thread yet, but I’ll keep an eye on it.  If there are more appropriate forums in which I, as a consumer, can express my requirements I’d be keen to hear about that too.

Thanks again,


> On Oct 24, 2018, at 11:46 PM, Tom Schindl <tom.schindl at> wrote:
> Hi,
> See
> Tom
>> On 25.10.18 03:15, Peter Monks wrote:
>> G'day!
>> Just wondering whether OpenJFX's versions are always going to track to
>> specific JDK versions, or whether the plan is for OpenJFX versions to
>> decouple from JDK versions over time?
>> From a downstream consumer's perspective, it would be ideal if OpenJFX were
>> to decouple from the JDK, and provide some kind of version compatibility
>> matrix as new OpenJFX and JDK versions are released.  This is how most Java
>> libraries do things, and a lot of Java tooling (e.g. Maven) is optimised
>> with that assumption in mind.
>> Thanks in advance for any light you're able to shed on this topic!
>> Cheers,
>> Peter
> -- 
> Tom Schindl, CTO
> EDV Systemhaus GmbH
> Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 5-7. A-6020 Innsbruck
> Reg. Nr. FN 222302s am Firmenbuchgericht Innsbruck

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