ValidatorFX announcement
Robert Lichtenberger
r.lichtenberger at
Fri Jan 24 11:16:49 UTC 2020
I am not sure I understand what you mean by "pure java source file" and
"pure JavaFX file".
At synedra we use gradle for all our builds. For JavaFX we use the
"org.openjfx.javafxplugin" Plugin, which will include the right
(platform-dependent) modules into our application.
Finally, to produce a standalone application (with Windows Installer and
everything), we use the new jpackager, which (unfortunately) is available
as sandbox version only at the moment, so we have to do a lot of work to
use a sandbox-pre-14-jpackage JDK in conjunction with a regular JDK-13
When Java 14 will be released this march, that problem will be gone
however, since jpackager will be part of the JDK by then.
I think a lot of people still want to have a single .jar - File that can be
run with java -jar XXX.jar and startup a GUI. That is still possible if you
use (or make yourself) a JDK which has JavaFX included (like Liberica JDK)
but it is not the recommended way. The new Java / JavaFX release cadence
basically forces you to deliver your application together with JDK/JavaFX
modules. I consider this to be a good thing, since I want to have full
control over what the user will be using, otherwise I would need to test my
application .jar against multiple versions of the JDK, which is not
something I want to do.
With the jpackager (to be delivered with Java 14), the ecosystem will be
"complete" again ;-).
Am Di., 21. Jan. 2020 um 18:56 Uhr schrieb AmnoJeeuw <amnojeeuw at>:
> Thanks Robert for your help.
> I am glad that you are able to create OpenJFX applications that
> execute/run on Windows. Can you please explain, in detail, how you'd create
> a simple OpenJFX that includes one jar file, one pure java source file and
> one pure JavaFX file.
> Thanks in advance.
> On 2020-01-16 11:32 a.m., Robert Lichtenberger wrote:
> No offence taken and I can fully understand any doubts you have JFX. To
> label it (and any C++ GUI toolkit) unproductive however seems exaggerated
> to me. After all, we've been using JavaFX in production (medical software)
> for years now (using Java 8 and Java 11+ ...).
> JavaFX is (and should be) a GUI Toolkit. Together with a JDK it can be
> used to produce quite nice looking applications that will run on many
> platforms and are not distinguishable from "native" binaries, which (from a
> UX experience) seems to me far better than executable .jar - Files.
> If you have a .jar File you wish to execute, I suggest you continue using
> Java / JavaFX 8. You may try running it with a brand new Liberica JDK (
> which still contains JavaFX within the JDK although
> the common consensus is that JavaFX should these days really be separated
> from the JDK.
> If you are in control of the source code of this piece of software I
> suggest you take the leap and port it to Java 11+. I've done that with our
> applications.
> HTH,
> Robert
> Am Do., 16. Jan. 2020 um 16:17 Uhr schrieb Amn Ojee Uw <
> amnojeeuw at>:
>> Look no offence, but I am having doubts about JFX because, for some
>> reason, the 'executable jar' files are no longer executables, no irony
>> intended. Worst part of it all is that no answer to the proble can be
>> found; the only answers I have found are rhetorical answers such as *have
>> you read this or that web page?*
>> I hope someone is able to fix this issue and post it on the internet; in
>> the mean time JFX is just like any C++ GUI toolkit, something very good but
>> unproductive.
>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2020, 8:16 AM Robert Lichtenberger, <
>> r.lichtenberger at> wrote:
>>> Hello FX-world :-)
>>> following up on some interesting discussions at the JFX Days in Zürich
>>> last
>>> december, I've finally managed to extract the (closed source) form
>>> validation library into an open source project.
>>> ValidatorFX can be found under:
>>> I am looking forward to your feedback,
>>> Robert Lichtenberger
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