RFC: Refactoring SystemABI

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Wed Dec 5 10:58:21 UTC 2018

On 05/12/2018 06:12, Samuel Audet wrote:
> Actually, I think that would be a great way to go about it. Basically, 
> for AOT we know we can do what Substrate VM does, and for when JIT is 
> available it could go the SystemABI route, but where the higher-level 
> API and annotations are the same. Their API doesn't use a lot of 
> generics though and I'm sure it would need to be tweaked, so your team 
> and their team would need to come to an understanding. Is this 
> something that sounds achievable? 

Right - the API do have differences and will need to converge at some 
point, we are aware of that :-)


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