[foreign] binary snapshot update

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Wed Feb 13 21:28:19 UTC 2019

Dear Panam-hackers,
We have just finished releasing another early access snapshot of the 
foreign function/data support:


This time it comes with a link to a useful guide to extract many common 
native libraries (Tensorflow, BLAS, Lapack, OpenGL, and many more), 
which I'll readd here for completeness:


I'd like to thank all the people in the team for the tremendous effort 
in pulling this together - we covered a lot of ground since the last EA! 
And a big thank to the people who chimed in and helped - most notably to 
Jorn Vernee, whose contributions have been instrumental in delivering 
Windows x64 support.

At this stage things feel usable enough (at least that has been our 
recent experience, following many improvements on the jextract tool) 
that we would really appreciate feedback - if you have a C library that  
you use as part of your project, give Panama a shot, see how it works 
for you and report back to us. Whether it's a bug, a feature that you 
think is missing, an API that is clunkier to use than it should be - 
your feedback is the key to make Panama (and Java as a whole) better!


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