Creating a high level Pointer API

John-Val Rose john at
Sat Jan 11 02:26:53 UTC 2020

I concur John Rose.

> On 11 Jan 2020, at 13:02, John Rose <john.r.rose at> wrote:
> This is a dev list.  People are trying to code here.
>> On Jan 10, 2020, at 4:17 PM, Ty Young <youngty1997 at> wrote:
>> … you largely ignore entirely ...…
>> you neither are willing to recognize it as a possible problem or refute it.
>> …Like I've said in the past(and you seem to just ignore)…
>> …you seem to be putting your head in the sand whenever it's brought up and shouting "just use the jextract API!”
>> …sealing the interfaces is a giant middle finger.
> So let's please tone this down, Ty.  Maurizio is a reasonable guy,
> and he has the trust of many people.  If perhaps he isn’t satisfying
> you with his explanations, that’s the way it is.  Please, let’s try to
> use a constructive tone on this alias, better adapted to the purpose
> of helping people develop on the Panama project.  Disagreement
> about the detailed decision making is OK, but please trust
> people to hear and disagree, rather than assuming that they
> are somehow refusing to satisfy a just demand.  Your comments
> are noted, but they are not going to be our highest priority.
> Making insistent and dismissive personal observations is not
> going to amplify your message, and it is starting to harm the
> signal to noise ratio on this alias.
> I’m actually sympathetic with the point that we want a Pointer
> type in the JDK, for the various reasons you mention.  I put it in
> in the first place.  But the bar is extraordinarily high for placing
> an API into the JDK, and we routinely discard many, many good
> ideas when evaluating JDK contents.  I trust Maurizio to correctly
> weigh whether Pointer is JDK-worthy.
> Please try harder to internalize Maurizio’s position, because that’s
> what we’re going with.
> — John

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