GetLastError() (with and without debugger)

Thomas Stüfe thomas.stuefe at
Tue Aug 16 13:55:12 UTC 2022

A pragmatic and low-tech way to solve this could be to build a library that
wraps all (or a subset of) win32 APIs and just reworks them slightly to
return the error (GetLastError or WSAGetLastError) as part of the call.
E.g. by prepending or appending a (DWORD* errorcode) parameter. If we do
this and ship this utility wrapper library as part of the JDK, we can
probably help 99% of callers who have this problem.


On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 1:26 PM Maurizio Cimadamore <
maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:

> On 15/08/2022 21:49, Manuel Bleichenbacher wrote:
> I've run a test with jdb, and the outcome is the same: the program behaves
> incorrectly.
> Do you guys know if this is caused by the debugger only, or if it is a
> general problem that is more likely to occur with the debugger but could
> also occur if run without debugger?
> Hi,
> as David pointed out, nothing in the JVM, debuggers, agents etc. takes
> this use case into account - which means that whether errno/LastError is
> preserved is, ultimately, platform/OS-dependent.
> In JNI the status quo has probably been good enough: after all with JNI
> you can always insert your errno/LastError check directly into the native
> code, ensuring atomicity.
> But when you use some kind of FFI, each Java call corresponds to _single_
> native call - which means that, even if you want to do:
> <call function>
> <getLastError>
> In reality there are some operations which "might" happen between the two
> calls (after all, the JVM is a complex piece of software, the garbage
> collector might need to allocate more memory, etc.).
> This explains why some of the frameworks out there shadow (and save)
> errno/LastError into separate thread-local storage, so that it can be read
> by other FFI calls. What I've seen doesn't seem a particularly compelling
> solution though, because: (a) the FFI support has to add platform-dependent
> logic to mimic what e.g. getLastError and setLastError would do, and (b)
> the FFI support needs to "rewire" calls to such native functions, so that
> they return the shadowed storage instead. So you could end up with cases
> where the native LastError value and the FFI value are out of sync.
> A more general solution would be to combine multiple downcall method
> handles into one, so that e.g. one could apply a GetLastError filter to a
> downcall method handle, which calls GetLastError after the native call, and
> saves the value into some user-defined variable, and does that within the
> _same_ native execution as the original call (e.g. only one Java->native
> transition, covering both calls). But the Linker API does not currently
> offer such capability (and something like that would be a bit on the
> boundary of what a method handle combinator API is allowed to do).
> Maurizio
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2022 at 3:16 PM Maurizio Cimadamore <
> maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:
>> Hi Manuel,
>> thanks for submitting this issue.
>> I think your hunch is probably correct - something inside the JDK is
>> resetting the value of LastError.
>> In Hotspot code I see some abstractions to preserve the LastError value
>> (os_windows.cpp):
>> // A number of wrappers for more frequently used system calls, to add standard logging.struct PreserveLastError {
>>   const DWORD v;
>>   PreserveLastError() : v(::GetLastError()) {}
>>   ~PreserveLastError() { ::SetLastError(v); }
>> };
>> And this is used in a number of OS-specific function calls, to avoid
>> polluting the last error value.
>> That said, when you are running with a debugger, especially inside an IDE
>> (which might add its own hooks), I think most bets are off, as the debugger
>> might indeed perform additional native calls which might not preserve
>> lastError correctly.
>> One experiment would be to try and debugging using jdb - so that at least
>> we'd rule the IDE out, and see if the issue is still there. If that's the
>> case we'll try to reach out to somebody more intimate with architetcure of
>> JPDA, to see if that's something that can be addressed (perhaps in a way
>> similar to what hotspot code seems to be already doing).
>> Thanks
>> Maurizio
>> On 12/08/2022 10:21, Manuel Bleichenbacher wrote:
>> Thanks for the work on project Panama. It's an exciting technology. I'm
>> using it to make native operating system services available to Java.
>> On Windows I've run into an issue. This C/C++ Windows code:
>>     DWORD err = GetLastError();
>>     printf("WriteFile result: %d, GetLastError result: %d\n", res, err);
>> prints (as expected):
>>     WriteFile result: 0, GetLastError result: 6
>> 6 is the value of the constant ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE.
>> Using panama, I've translated the code to Java. The result is:
>> Without debugger, the output is the same. Everything is ok.
>> With the debugger, the result is incorrect:
>>     WriteFile result: 0, GetLastError result: 0
>> This is incorrect. WriteFile() indicates an error, but GetLastError()
>> returns 0 (= NO_ERROR). Could it be that the debugger calls another Windows
>> API function between those two functions, resetting the last error?
>> In my project that's a major issue. Since the software behaves
>> incorrectly with the debugger, the software can no longer be debugged. This
>> doesn't just affect it when debugging this particular piece of code but
>> anytime this code is run in a debugging session.
>> Is there something I'm not doing incorrectly? Or is there a fix or
>> workaround?
>> Here's the Java code:
>> import java.lang.foreign.*;import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;import static java.lang.foreign.MemoryAddress.NULL;import static java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout.ADDRESS;import static java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout.JAVA_INT;public class WinApi {
>>     static final MethodHandle WriteFile$Func;    static final MethodHandle GetLastError$Func;    static final MemoryAddress INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = MemoryAddress.ofLong(-1);    static {
>>         var linker = Linker.nativeLinker();        var lookup = SymbolLookup.libraryLookup("Kernel32",;        WriteFile$Func = linker.downcallHandle(
>>                 lookup.lookup("WriteFile").get(),                FunctionDescriptor.of(JAVA_INT, ADDRESS, ADDRESS, JAVA_INT, ADDRESS, ADDRESS)
>>         );        GetLastError$Func = linker.downcallHandle(
>>                 lookup.lookup("GetLastError").get(),                FunctionDescriptor.of(JAVA_INT)
>>         );    }
>>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>>         var res = WriteFile(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);        var err = GetLastError();        System.out.printf("WriteFile result: %d, GetLastError result: %d\n", res, err);    }
>>     static int WriteFile(MemoryAddress hFile, MemoryAddress lpBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToWrite,                         MemoryAddress lpNumberOfBytesWritten, MemoryAddress lpOverlapped) {
>>         try {
>>             return (int) WriteFile$Func.invokeExact((Addressable)hFile, (Addressable)lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToWrite,                    (Addressable)lpNumberOfBytesWritten, (Addressable)lpOverlapped);        } catch (Throwable e) {
>>             throw new RuntimeException(e);        }
>>     }
>>     static int GetLastError() {
>>         try {
>>             return (int) GetLastError$Func.invokeExact();        } catch (Throwable e) {
>>             throw new RuntimeException(e);        }
>>     }
>> }
>> Cheers
>> Manuel
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