GetLastError() (with and without debugger)

Manuel Bleichenbacher manuel.bleichenbacher at
Tue Aug 16 14:29:28 UTC 2022

Another option is to make it part of the function descriptor / calling
convention, similar to how .NET Interop does it:

[DllImportAttribute("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet =
CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern int MessageBox(IntPtr hwnd, String
text, String caption, uint type);

With the SetLastError annotation, this function call will save the last
error in a place where the .NET runtime environment will not overwrite it.
It can then be queried at anytime using Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), or
rather at anytime until calling the next Interop function. The method call
must be atomic of course.

A similar implementation would be needed for errno on Linux.

On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 3:55 PM Thomas Stüfe <thomas.stuefe at>

> A pragmatic and low-tech way to solve this could be to build a library
> that wraps all (or a subset of) win32 APIs and just reworks them slightly
> to return the error (GetLastError or WSAGetLastError) as part of the call.
> E.g. by prepending or appending a (DWORD* errorcode) parameter. If we do
> this and ship this utility wrapper library as part of the JDK, we can
> probably help 99% of callers who have this problem.
> ..Thomas
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 1:26 PM Maurizio Cimadamore <
> maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:
>> On 15/08/2022 21:49, Manuel Bleichenbacher wrote:
>> I've run a test with jdb, and the outcome is the same: the program
>> behaves incorrectly.
>> Do you guys know if this is caused by the debugger only, or if it is a
>> general problem that is more likely to occur with the debugger but could
>> also occur if run without debugger?
>> Hi,
>> as David pointed out, nothing in the JVM, debuggers, agents etc. takes
>> this use case into account - which means that whether errno/LastError is
>> preserved is, ultimately, platform/OS-dependent.
>> In JNI the status quo has probably been good enough: after all with JNI
>> you can always insert your errno/LastError check directly into the native
>> code, ensuring atomicity.
>> But when you use some kind of FFI, each Java call corresponds to _single_
>> native call - which means that, even if you want to do:
>> <call function>
>> <getLastError>
>> In reality there are some operations which "might" happen between the two
>> calls (after all, the JVM is a complex piece of software, the garbage
>> collector might need to allocate more memory, etc.).
>> This explains why some of the frameworks out there shadow (and save)
>> errno/LastError into separate thread-local storage, so that it can be read
>> by other FFI calls. What I've seen doesn't seem a particularly compelling
>> solution though, because: (a) the FFI support has to add platform-dependent
>> logic to mimic what e.g. getLastError and setLastError would do, and (b)
>> the FFI support needs to "rewire" calls to such native functions, so that
>> they return the shadowed storage instead. So you could end up with cases
>> where the native LastError value and the FFI value are out of sync.
>> A more general solution would be to combine multiple downcall method
>> handles into one, so that e.g. one could apply a GetLastError filter to a
>> downcall method handle, which calls GetLastError after the native call, and
>> saves the value into some user-defined variable, and does that within the
>> _same_ native execution as the original call (e.g. only one Java->native
>> transition, covering both calls). But the Linker API does not currently
>> offer such capability (and something like that would be a bit on the
>> boundary of what a method handle combinator API is allowed to do).
>> Maurizio
>> On Fri, Aug 12, 2022 at 3:16 PM Maurizio Cimadamore <
>> maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:
>>> Hi Manuel,
>>> thanks for submitting this issue.
>>> I think your hunch is probably correct - something inside the JDK is
>>> resetting the value of LastError.
>>> In Hotspot code I see some abstractions to preserve the LastError value
>>> (os_windows.cpp):
>>> // A number of wrappers for more frequently used system calls, to add standard logging.struct PreserveLastError {
>>>   const DWORD v;
>>>   PreserveLastError() : v(::GetLastError()) {}
>>>   ~PreserveLastError() { ::SetLastError(v); }
>>> };
>>> And this is used in a number of OS-specific function calls, to avoid
>>> polluting the last error value.
>>> That said, when you are running with a debugger, especially inside an
>>> IDE (which might add its own hooks), I think most bets are off, as the
>>> debugger might indeed perform additional native calls which might not
>>> preserve lastError correctly.
>>> One experiment would be to try and debugging using jdb - so that at
>>> least we'd rule the IDE out, and see if the issue is still there. If that's
>>> the case we'll try to reach out to somebody more intimate with architetcure
>>> of JPDA, to see if that's something that can be addressed (perhaps in a way
>>> similar to what hotspot code seems to be already doing).
>>> Thanks
>>> Maurizio
>>> On 12/08/2022 10:21, Manuel Bleichenbacher wrote:
>>> Thanks for the work on project Panama. It's an exciting technology. I'm
>>> using it to make native operating system services available to Java.
>>> On Windows I've run into an issue. This C/C++ Windows code:
>>>     BOOL res = WriteFile(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
>>>     DWORD err = GetLastError();
>>>     printf("WriteFile result: %d, GetLastError result: %d\n", res, err);
>>> prints (as expected):
>>>     WriteFile result: 0, GetLastError result: 6
>>> 6 is the value of the constant ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE.
>>> Using panama, I've translated the code to Java. The result is:
>>> Without debugger, the output is the same. Everything is ok.
>>> With the debugger, the result is incorrect:
>>>     WriteFile result: 0, GetLastError result: 0
>>> This is incorrect. WriteFile() indicates an error, but GetLastError()
>>> returns 0 (= NO_ERROR). Could it be that the debugger calls another Windows
>>> API function between those two functions, resetting the last error?
>>> In my project that's a major issue. Since the software behaves
>>> incorrectly with the debugger, the software can no longer be debugged. This
>>> doesn't just affect it when debugging this particular piece of code but
>>> anytime this code is run in a debugging session.
>>> Is there something I'm not doing incorrectly? Or is there a fix or
>>> workaround?
>>> Here's the Java code:
>>> import java.lang.foreign.*;import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;import static java.lang.foreign.MemoryAddress.NULL;import static java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout.ADDRESS;import static java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout.JAVA_INT;public class WinApi {
>>>     static final MethodHandle WriteFile$Func;    static final MethodHandle GetLastError$Func;    static final MemoryAddress INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = MemoryAddress.ofLong(-1);    static {
>>>         var linker = Linker.nativeLinker();        var lookup = SymbolLookup.libraryLookup("Kernel32",;        WriteFile$Func = linker.downcallHandle(
>>>                 lookup.lookup("WriteFile").get(),                FunctionDescriptor.of(JAVA_INT, ADDRESS, ADDRESS, JAVA_INT, ADDRESS, ADDRESS)
>>>         );        GetLastError$Func = linker.downcallHandle(
>>>                 lookup.lookup("GetLastError").get(),                FunctionDescriptor.of(JAVA_INT)
>>>         );    }
>>>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>>>         var res = WriteFile(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);        var err = GetLastError();        System.out.printf("WriteFile result: %d, GetLastError result: %d\n", res, err);    }
>>>     static int WriteFile(MemoryAddress hFile, MemoryAddress lpBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToWrite,                         MemoryAddress lpNumberOfBytesWritten, MemoryAddress lpOverlapped) {
>>>         try {
>>>             return (int) WriteFile$Func.invokeExact((Addressable)hFile, (Addressable)lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToWrite,                    (Addressable)lpNumberOfBytesWritten, (Addressable)lpOverlapped);        } catch (Throwable e) {
>>>             throw new RuntimeException(e);        }
>>>     }
>>>     static int GetLastError() {
>>>         try {
>>>             return (int) GetLastError$Func.invokeExact();        } catch (Throwable e) {
>>>             throw new RuntimeException(e);        }
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> Cheers
>>> Manuel
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