jextract JDK19 Windows enum handling

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Sun Jun 5 21:35:45 UTC 2022

Hi Dunan,
(1) looks like a bug. I'll need to think about (2). I see where you are 
coming from. At the same time it's tricky, because we filter out most 
stuff by "name" (e.g. struct name, function name, etc.) - and we do not 
provide functionality to filter out at _deeper_ levels of nesting. The 
fact that constants worked the way they did was more of an happy 
accident rather than the result of a conscious decision.

While we could go back to previous behavior, I feel like, in some cases 
at least, a developer might want to include an entire enum, w/o really 
having to enumerate all the constants.


On 05/06/2022 13:47, Duncan Gittins wrote:
> I'm a bit behind with all latest Panama messages so apologies if this
> repeats existing issues. I've been testing out latest jextract from master
> branch, along with jdk19 - both with non-incubator foreign package names.
> There are some unexpected enum values in extractions, perhaps related to
> Test with header file "Shell32.h" which contains "#include <shlobj_core.h>"
> 1) With latest JDK19 branch I see an enum that I don't use, and this
> appears every time regardless of "--include--xxx" flags:
>      jextract --source -lshell32 -t --output shell19.src Shell32.h
> --include-enum THIS_DOES_NOT_EXIST
>      => Shell32_h contains 100+ values of "WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE"
> [ BTW: It would be nice if jextract had a mode (eg "--show-warnings") which
> reported "No such enum: THIS_DOES_NOT_EXIST".]
> 2) Is there a way to extract one enum value SLGP_SHORTPATH with JDK19
> jextract?
> In previous JDK18 jextract release I could extract a single enum value
> SLGP_SHORTPATH (with "--include-macro" which was changed in
> CODETOOLS-7903198)
>       jextract --source -lshell32 -t --output shell18.src
> Shell32.h --include-macro SLGP_SHORTPATH
> =>  class Shell32_h  { // omitted lines with Constants$root....
>          public static int SLGP_SHORTPATH() { return (int)1L;  }
>      }
> Adding "--include-enum SLGP_FLAGS" will introduce new definitions including
> SLGP_SHORTPATH (and WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE), but it would be nicer to have
> just a single definition for the value "SLGP_SHORTPATH".
> Kind regards
> Duncan

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