jextract JDK19 Windows enum handling
Duncan Gittins
duncan.gittins at
Mon Jun 6 09:37:14 UTC 2022
I hope it would be possible to deal with both ways for (2). The
--include-enum option works very well when there are a few values per enum
like SLGP_FLAGS (even though I only need SLGP_SHORTPATH), but there are
some enums which contain many more definitions and the view of the
generated code and IDE code completion) looks very bloated when it contains
so many unreferenced definitions.
Due to the bug (1) my compiled jextract jar is 45% bigger than under JDK18
jextract - that is quite a jump if my Java code was only dependent on one
item from each of those enums that are incorrectly added.
Kind regards
On Sun, 5 Jun 2022 at 22:35, Maurizio Cimadamore <
maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:
> Hi Dunan,
> (1) looks like a bug. I'll need to think about (2). I see where you are
> coming from. At the same time it's tricky, because we filter out most
> stuff by "name" (e.g. struct name, function name, etc.) - and we do not
> provide functionality to filter out at _deeper_ levels of nesting. The
> fact that constants worked the way they did was more of an happy
> accident rather than the result of a conscious decision.
> While we could go back to previous behavior, I feel like, in some cases
> at least, a developer might want to include an entire enum, w/o really
> having to enumerate all the constants.
> Maurizio
> On 05/06/2022 13:47, Duncan Gittins wrote:
> > I'm a bit behind with all latest Panama messages so apologies if this
> > repeats existing issues. I've been testing out latest jextract from
> master
> > branch, along with jdk19 - both with non-incubator foreign package names.
> >
> > There are some unexpected enum values in extractions, perhaps related to
> >
> >
> > Test with header file "Shell32.h" which contains "#include
> <shlobj_core.h>"
> >
> > 1) With latest JDK19 branch I see an enum that I don't use, and this
> > appears every time regardless of "--include--xxx" flags:
> >
> > jextract --source -lshell32 -t --output shell19.src
> Shell32.h
> > --include-enum THIS_DOES_NOT_EXIST
> > => Shell32_h contains 100+ values of "WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE"
> >
> > [ BTW: It would be nice if jextract had a mode (eg "--show-warnings")
> which
> > reported "No such enum: THIS_DOES_NOT_EXIST".]
> >
> > 2) Is there a way to extract one enum value SLGP_SHORTPATH with JDK19
> > jextract?
> >
> > In previous JDK18 jextract release I could extract a single enum value
> > SLGP_SHORTPATH (with "--include-macro" which was changed in
> > CODETOOLS-7903198)
> >
> > jextract --source -lshell32 -t --output shell18.src
> > Shell32.h --include-macro SLGP_SHORTPATH
> > => class Shell32_h { // omitted lines with Constants$root....
> > public static int SLGP_SHORTPATH() { return (int)1L; }
> > }
> >
> > Adding "--include-enum SLGP_FLAGS" will introduce new definitions
> including
> > SLGP_SHORTPATH (and WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE), but it would be nicer to have
> > just a single definition for the value "SLGP_SHORTPATH".
> >
> > Kind regards
> >
> > Duncan
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