Doubling down on arenas in the FFM API

radek at radek at
Thu Feb 2 13:15:31 UTC 2023

Hi Maurizio,

Thank you for sharing this. I agree that there’s a tension between Scope and Arena, and for i.e. passing Arena to FileChannel::map look bit like we pass too big object there.

I just thought (sorry if it was proposed somewhere else), to introduce supporting object Scopable (can’t imagine better name on short notice). So something which can have a scope (own - freshly generated or shared in some way).

The Scopable would have single method scope(), and for simplicity Scope could be Scopable returning “this".

If MemorySegment should be Scopable - I don’t know - as there’s next issue of allocating segments which are dependent in some way and deallocation should be executed in order.

Kind regards,
Radosław Smogura

> On 31 Jan 2023, at 19:46, Maurizio Cimadamore <maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:
> Hi,
> as discussed here [1], it is not clear as to whether Java 20 iteration of the Foreign Function & Memory API (FFM API) has yet reached bottom, especially when it comes to managing the lifetime of the regions of memory backing memory segments. After collecting some rounds of internal and external feedback, it was clear that while the Java 20 API has all the functionalities we require for writing efficient and robust native interop code, some of the concepts in the API were made a bit harder to grok, as users had to choose between two toplevel abstractions, namely `SegmentScope` and `Arena`. This choice is made even more difficult, as some of the functionalities (e.g. allocation) is duplicated in both API points. As a result, we have been busy exploring different ways to restack the FFM API in search of something more approachable.
> The results of our findings are described in this document:
> Here, we propose a possible simplification of the FFM API, where we make `Arena` the true star of the show, which results in the following changes:
> * factories such as `SegmentScope::auto` are now moved to `Arena`;
> * all segment-producing methods (such as `FileChannel::map`) now accept an `Arena` parameter;
> * static factories such as `MemorySegment::allocateNative` have been dropped;
> * scopes are made less prominent, and moved to a nested class (`MemorySegment.Scope`).
> This gives us a remarkably simple API, which brings together the best aspects of the Java 19 and Java 20 FFM API iterations. On the one hand, `Arena` is now the most important abstraction that users of the FFM API have to deal with (in a way, `Arena` is the new `MemorySession`); at the same time, we still have a way to model the lifetime of an `Arena` (and all the segments allocated by it) using a `MemorySegment.Scope` - which is desirable both in terms of debugging (e.g. inspecting whether two segments/arenas have the same lifetime) and, more importantly, in terms of allowing the definition of custom arenas via simple delegation (as in Java 20).
> As always, feedback is welcome. While this proposal does not significantly alter the expressiveness of the FFM API, the proposed API comes with some limitations. For instance, since all allocation routines are now `Arena`-centric (see above), it is no longer possible to allocate a new segment if a corresponding arena is not available (we call this co-allocation). As explained in the document, while it would be possible to add back the missing co-allocation functionality, extensive analysis of the code using the FFM API has shown co-allocation to be _extremely_ rare (**) - and of dubious value. For these reasons, we would like to aim for a more principled approach which avoids co-allocation altogether, and allows for more encapsulation of the capabilities associated with an `Arena` object.
> Maurizio
> (**) We have only found _one_ usage [2] in over 10K Java files and more than 11M LoC analyzed. Moreover, this usage is only present in the Java 19 branch of the project, and removed in the "main" branch (which tracks the Java 20 FFM API). We suspect that this use of co-allocation has been made irrelevant after the unification of `MemoryAddress` and `MemorySegment`.
> [1] -
> [2] -

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